View Full Version : wierd thing on arm.skin cancer?

miss diagnosis
21-05-09, 12:04
Im FREAKED out about a mole on my arm (i think its a mole)its very small
dark brown but it looks like its sitting on or beside a freckle?
I googled and apparently its melenoma. I dont know how long its there. I only got the skin cancer freak out after greys anatomoney..It hasnt changed in the last two weeks. My boyf has one that looks the same but im worried sick about mine has it looks like the pics of melenoma on internet.Please help

Im 29 and blonde so very likely candidate. never sunbeded and always use factor 50 but i have been burnt before.

21-05-09, 13:30
I'd place a bet on it not being skin cancer! Why don't you go get it checked at your gp to put your mind at rest? DON'T GOOGLE! Someone even put on this site that they googled 'freckle' and it came up with something like skin cancer only a few days ago! seriously, you don't have skin cancer, stop worrying.

21-05-09, 15:07
i definitely understand how you feel. i am petrified about skin cancer. and watching grey's anatomy certainly didn't help! i've been to the derm many times and she has said that most people have at least a few irregular-looking moles. plus the fact that it is small means it is likely not cancerous. if it is goign to take going to the doctor to make you feel better though, then i definitely recommend doing that! it can really help! i am confident you are fine though.

miss diagnosis
21-05-09, 17:48
i went to the doc and she said it looks like its growing a refered me to dermatolgist in the hospital. Im worried sick now.

21-05-09, 17:56
ok you have been referred but don't panic! being referred DOES NOT mean it is skin cancer. Believe me I have been there, I went to my dr and was referred and had to be seen WITHIN 2 weeks, its routine hun. Mine was for a mole on my face that turned out to be nothing and I was discharged the SAME DAY. A dr will refer you if they themselves are 'not up' on what it may be. Please please please try not to panic, I can understand your worry, I have been there but this does NOT mean you have cancer hunny. If you need any more info, PM me.

21-05-09, 21:41

Your doctor has just referred you as a matter of routine, so don't worry. If it was anything that required immediate investigation you would have been sent to hospital straight away.

21-05-09, 21:47

please remember the following.

Only 1 im a Million moles turn into a Melanoma. So even if you had 100 moles all over your body. The chance that you'll EVER get it is still only 0.1%, not every strange looking mole is a Melanoma, I'm sure you'll be fine, you should though, allways just let a doctor take a look.

miss diagnosis
22-05-09, 10:02
thanks everyone.

Im still worried sick. I rang the hospital this morning and they said i have to post in the referral letter and then wait for a consultant to read it to see if and when i get an appointment.

Then i started this obsession with my skin. i have a small red mark on my boob thats been there for years and never moved and im convinced thats something sinister now. it looks like a small burn mark or something.