View Full Version : Help!! Constant Ovarian Pain!

21-05-09, 13:14

i have just found this website and thought somebody might be able to help me?

i have regular periods (every 27-28 days) and normally have usual ovary pain about halfway through cycle, but last month i had it the whole time! i have just started my period and the pain is still here though.

it's a constant dull ache with twinges sometimes - and i'm worried it could be something serious!

has anybody else got this and could give me advice on what it could be please?

i'm 41 and have two kids and not on the pill or taking any medication....

thanks xxxxx

21-05-09, 16:11
Have you seen your GP about this? That would be my first cause of action. Hopefully they'll be able to put your mind at rest, or refer you to a specialist if necessary.


21-05-09, 17:12
I had ovulation pain every single cycle from starting my periods until past 2 yrs as I am perimenopausal now. When the perimenopausal merrygoround began I had ovulation pain lasting up to 2 weeks rather than the 2-3 days that I had always had. It was my ovaries last fling obviously.

If you haven't had a pelvic ultrasound recently then it is always worth having one to check you haven't developed a cyst on your ovary which is very common and nothing sinister. Your GP can send you for one and it will also check you dont' have fibroids etc in your womb.

21-05-09, 17:24
I've had ovary pain for the past month and a half. Went to the doctor's today and they're sending me for a scan; I have to wait for the date.

I'm 25 with no kids.

21-05-09, 18:07

thanks for the replies! i've got an appointment coming soon but it's about six weeks wait! so six weeks of worrying and the doc also took some blood so worrying about those too!

the-nub - what did the doc say it could be - i got a cyst, urinary tract infection (but have no pain on weeing, so ???) or another symptom of my ibs?

it's just so scary - it's all i can think about at the moment and then the pain just gets worse..... and off on the merry-go-round..... you just think it's cancer all the time.

my only saving grace is the fact that my best friend had breast cancer at age 30 and i just think, there can't be both of us who can get it early in life, can there! but you never know do you?


21-05-09, 18:12
I had that and when I went to see my doctor she said it was my IBS as the large bowel passes through where you assume your ovaries are.

Do you get IBS?

21-05-09, 18:13
Doctor said he couldn't feel any mass but that the pain was definitely in the ovary area, so he wanted to send me for a scan. He didn't speculate on what it could be.

21-05-09, 19:06
I had something similar for one entire month, and it happened to be right after I had changed birth control pills, but it went away before I could make a trip to the doctor. I talked to him about it anyway, and he said it was likely an ovarian cyst, which can be painful but isn't anything to worry about. I have similar feelings when my bowels are upset (as they get when I have anxiety), but it's not quite as sharp. They may do an ultrasound to see what it is if it sticks around.

22-05-09, 10:28

i have just found this website and thought somebody might be able to help me?

i have regular periods (every 27-28 days) and normally have usual ovary pain about halfway through cycle, but last month i had it the whole time! i have just started my period and the pain is still here though.

it's a constant dull ache with twinges sometimes - and i'm worried it could be something serious!

has anybody else got this and could give me advice on what it could be please?

i'm 41 and have two kids and not on the pill or taking any medication....

thanks xxxxx


Im sorry that you have a pain sounds uncomfortable. Was just thinking that maybe it isnt ovaries causing pain, could it be like IBS or tummy bug ? Just an idea becuase since i had my baby six months ago i have had IBS and it feels very like ovulation pain and infact gets worse at that time. Just an idea.

Dont worry though having a pain or something change doesnt mean its anything to worry about.


22-05-09, 12:19
Haya Piggy,

I am 32 with 2 kids and I also had these pains and all sorts of other pains.

This is probably one good thing about having anxiety. Whe you are anxious - you worry you have everything, cancers, heartattacks, brain tumor, therefore you annoy your GP or any other doctor to rule all this out.
So you see all the spcialists to all possible

And then in most cases you find you OK

I recommend you to do that.

13-09-09, 12:42
hiya to all those who helped me and to anyone else who is worried!

i went to the docs who was not concerned (he thought it was just my IBS flaring up) but as he knew i was a worrier he sent me for a scan and nothing was there.

so all it was was IBS! apparently it is very common to get it here! and as soon as i knew, it disappeared which proves that your brain is very powerful in making things worse for you! xx