View Full Version : Will this ever get better? Bad day.

21-05-09, 15:46

Does anyone else feel like this? -

Been feeling this way for a few years now but sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get better. Whenever I have to go somewhere particualrly driving (although my partner drove today) I feel like I'll vomit or die, or panic or all of these things. I hate my anxiety symptoms and just cannot stop being scared by them. I hate loud noise, when on a busy road I think every car will hit me and that something terrible will happen, I feel so scared. I am not stupid but I feel such an idiot as I can't seem to stop thinking and feeling like this, dreading every journey. I'm also sometimes as bad walking on foot near traffic. I have made loads of journeys so exposure hasn't worked, seem to feel this way everytime. I've had some of my very first serious panic attacks whilst driving so I find this particularly hard now. I used to be a very confident driver.

Just feel like giving up today. I try so hard but this never leaves me alone :(

21-05-09, 17:20
I'm the same as you. Just drove from Blackpool to Preston and back 2 days ago (well my sister drove) and I felt sick all the time (still do now 2 days later). I don't know what it is that sets it off, I just feel sick and on edge all the time which scares me as I have a phobia of vomiting (in fact it is taking over my life and my Dr doesn't treat phobias)