View Full Version : costochindritis ???

peppa pig
21-05-09, 17:00
been suffering with chest pains for nerly 6 weeks , had ecgs , blood tests , chest x-rays, treadmill test and echocardiogram , ct scan (for suspected blood clot ), abdo ultrasound ruled out gallstones etc all came back clear and each time drs have said anxiety/panic. on saturday i noticed when i bent forward or twisted i had pain in lower ribcage and centre of ribcage, on touching feels very tender bruised feeling and ? slightly swollen , the pains i get in my chest are higher up just above my breast , in arm pit also numb tingling arm all in left side , shoulder and neck pain , burnign tingling between shoulder blades , been ack to drs today never seem to be away from place at moment been there nearly every week as well as a&e 3 x in 2 months, dr today says sounds like this costochondritis , has anyone else had this ? dr has just advised me paraetamol and given me some diazepam as muscle relaxant , she has also refered me to counseller as i have been very anxious regarding my heart although after all tests recently very unlikely , just need to keep reminding myself !!, as there is long waiting list on nhs she has refered me now incase might need it later with option to cancel later , anyone had similar experiences would be grateful , how long symptoms lasting etc as driving me mad aking me so anxious worrying about heart

21-05-09, 18:06
you know how accurate all those tests are? you should be feeling like a million bucks right now, on top of the world..you're a very healthy person. Your heart looks great and it's gonna last a looooooong time. Please stop worrying..this kind of chest pain is common amongst anxiety sufferers.

tayside lassie
21-05-09, 22:30
i have this costachrondritis and like you have pain in chest wall above by breasts also pain in collar bone ....its not pain all over although it feels like it just very sore to touch in certain places ..