View Full Version : Anyone - help..

21-05-09, 22:24
I feel bloody awful.

The centre of my stomach, about 3 inches above my tummy buttom feels really - strange. There is a very strong pulsating (which i have read can be an aneurysm...damn google), i feel terribly breathless, not the same as hyperventalating...just really hard work to breath and my stomach feels like i have something tight around it or that i have eaten a massive meal, which i haven't. This is horrible. I feel crap.

21-05-09, 22:31
:bighug1: The feeling 3 inches above your Belly Button, It sounds like IBS...Could be your Colon beeing a little bit grumpy, it could be gass on its way to the exit! I suggest you prepare for incomming gass :P

As for the breathing, I know exactly how you feel, i've been having it alot lately aswell, its because you are focussing on your breathing to much I belive, causing you to want to suck in the breath, instead of the usual automatic movements that you are used to. Just see of it as taking something off the auto pilot and doing it yourself! :D

You'll most definetly be fine, just try and relax.

kind regards,


21-05-09, 22:32
Sounds like it could be your large bowel,probably trapped wind or a muscle spasm,I had these symptoms myself ,they were caused by IBS.try to relax ,your breathing difficultys are due to tension.Lay down an take some deep breaths for a few mins, x Sue:hugs:

21-05-09, 22:33
See, Suzy types that before reading my text, and she thinks the same thing! ^^

21-05-09, 22:36
I was going to say the same thing as kraggy and suzy. Sounds a lot like trapped wind

21-05-09, 22:41
We cant all be wrong ! I thought my bowel was doing somersaults once ,reminded me of the film ALIEN. Try Buscopan ,I find its the best there is over the counter,even better than the stuff Ive had on Perscription. How are you now? Try walking about a bit ,it gets it moving x

21-05-09, 23:34
and again, i would say the exact same thing as they all have said! i've had this myself, it was a horrible bout of trapped wind! i took some medicine my mother swears by for trapped wind and that helped alot, but if you have no access to that i'd say moving about helps as does just trying to relax. sometimes it has to be a matter of time sadly.

23-05-09, 09:58
Three inches above your navel is your diaphragm. The pulsating and shortness of breath can be due to anxiety relating to this. I know this because ive had the same problem myself and went to the doc about it just two days ago. Anxiety can cause your diaphragm to vibrate. Giving it that pulsating feel. Supposedly the more you concentrate on it, the more it will seem amplified. If you are concerned, ask your doctor to check your chest and im sure he will just say that it is anxiety. There are some diaphragm breathing techniques you can look up on google that seem to ease it for me. x