View Full Version : Feeling so upset!!!

22-05-09, 06:31
I wasnt sure where to post this but as im feeling very low i thought it may as well be here.As alot of you know ive been suffering terribly with pain in my feet.Ive just had some mri scans results back and im really upset.Firstly the worst foot is my left,it can be excruiating especially down the back where the achilles tendon and burns all over sometimes when its really bad,i get it in the right too but nowhere near as bad.The consultant im under was looking for tendontius and has found it in the right foot but it is clear in the left!!!!!I was absoloutely gobsmacked,there is a lump sticking out the back of my left foot on the achilles and if u touch it its so painful and i cant wear trainers even,someone tell me this cant be right????I cant see my doctor until a week wednesday as im going away for a few days.The consultant wants me to see a physio but when we tried that last time i ended up in agony.There hasnt been any more suggestion of anymore investigation and i am due to see consultant in december,i am so unhappy about this and with everything else that is happening.The consultant also suggested i am highly senstive to pain so does this mean i am imagining this????This all came on after using the wii fit and working alot in my shop which ive now had to close.I feel like im going to loose the plot over this i just dont know what to do and i know you will say go back to the docs which i will.In the mornings i can barely walk when i get up and the pain stays with me all day.Someone please help me because i cant cope with this :(

22-05-09, 07:30
I don't know much about feet alihud but could it be spurs?


22-05-09, 09:21
hope u feel a little better soon

22-05-09, 15:03
not great at minute



22-05-09, 17:06
Hey Ali,

Look you know where the pain is and how bad it is and I think it's ridiculous what they are telling you. Get a 2nd opinion. Fight for it because this is doing nothing for your wellbeing at all. Obviously what they are doing right now is not working so you must seek other opinions.

If I were you I would go back to the GP and ask him for a referral to another specialist.

You need to have piece of mind over this and find out exactly what is going on. Obviously the type of pain you are having is NOT normal. Whether you are highly sensitive to pain is not the issue, the issue is how to relieve the pain and make you better.

Hang in there mate, I know things are really on top of you right now, but it will get better. Be determined to find someone who can really help you and who cares how you feel.

Take care
Natalie x

22-05-09, 23:14
:bighug1: ali

I agree with worrier that you should ask your GP for a second opinion. You are entitled to do that, so you shouldn't be considered "awkward" for asking. We all have different pain thresholds, so what level of pain you can tolerate is irrelevant. This is disabling you and affecting you daily. You shouldn't have to wait until December.
In the meantime, have you tried an ice bath for it? Put your foot into cold water with some ice cubes in it for 10 minutes. This helps reduce inflamation. Or you can use something frozen that will mould to it - such as a pack of peas.

23-05-09, 08:12
Hiya thanx for your support you guys,i will go back to the docs but am away next week so have booked an appointment for the wednesday after.I have tried an ice pack Maddie and it does help temporarily,now ive stopped working i can concentrate on getting better instead of putting work before my health and i will start physiotherapy once im back from my hol.Im just so disappointed with those results,i cannot understand them at all and i really needed an answer and i dont feel ive got one at all.
Ali xxx