View Full Version : upped does yuk feel horrible

22-05-09, 08:01
yesterday i lied i had my first uped dose of citalopram and felt fine all day was quite chuffed .Then night time hit and panicky in my bed and have woke up this morning feeling awful ,took 10mg for one week now 20mg was bad enough cant have re-run of that .This is an indurance test me thinks .has anyone else had bad side effects first two weeks x :weep:

23-05-09, 22:43
Almost everyone who has posted on this forum has had the bad side effects, and yes they are REALLY bad. The good news is it gets better the longer you take the Citalopram. You will have good days and bad days, but evetually the good days will outnumber the bad :yesyes:

If you're going trough Hell - KEEP GOING!

Think positive!

Lion King
24-05-09, 02:31
Thanks UM,

Some real +ve advice! Positivity all the way!

All the Best

Lion King