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22-05-09, 11:26
has anyone tried hypnotherapy??

did it work ?

L xx

22-05-09, 13:29
I read about... you can access your self conscious for healing.
Meditate & relax. Let your breath soften... Imagine u see a flower bud. Imagine it is blossoming & opening up in front of you. This is your intuition.

What colour is it? What type of flower is it? Notice the little details about this. Relax. Soften the muscles. Let the body feel heavy. Appreciate your body & let it have some space to be free of constriction.....

Your subconscious is now here for you to see & hear. Ask it anything you like. There is only truth in this space of mind. Ask what it needs. Ask what it is lacking. Ask how u can make yourself happier. There will be no distortion from mental illness in this space, only truth......
Feel love for yourself in this state of mind. Know that you have a right to exist in this world. Know that everything about you is OK. Tell yourself this, that there is nothing about you that shouldn't be. Ask what you can learn.

This works! I have used this & it does help. Everyone may have their own adaptation of this, but that is the way I did it that worked for me! It is self awareness.... Keeps the soul happier. Lets your true feelings, that society often overrrides, have a voice. If you have conviction in your feelings, no one would bother to question it!!!

That's my experience.


22-05-09, 13:30
Read my experience on the hypnotherapy website page on the left