View Full Version : Peripheral Neuropathy ...

22-05-09, 12:56
As some of you will know I have been struggling with extremely lengthy chronic free-floating anxiety attacks since last August. I have now been told I have "Peripheral Neuropathy" in my feet and ankles. This started over 2 weeks ago when I lost sensation and movement in my right foot - duty doctor said I'd had a stroke and I was rushed to hospital for brain scan. I was not given a brain scan, but was examined very thoroughly and told I had not had a stroke, but the actual reason for my inability to walk was unknown and I was sent home with a letter for my doctor suggesting a referral to a Neurologist. 2 days later I had a bad fall in my flat - I live alone, have no family at all and no friends living nearby - if I had hit my head or anything more serious I would still be lying here crawling with maggots - sorry, but that's the way it is where I live! I was able to ring NHS Direct on that occasion and they ordered an ambulance to take me back to hospital. After a wait of over 7 hours I was given a very superficial examaination by an arrogant doctor, who, after examining me said 'Who do we have at home?" When I said I had nobody and was very frightened, he simply shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the cubicle. I was discharged. Last Tuesday something similar happened to my left foot, except this time numbness was mixed with a an awful pain as though the outer part of my foot - including my three small toes - had been trodden on by a horse. Again I went to hospital and was told I had 'Peripheral Neuropathy', but no help was offered. Yesterday I saw my GP I was in tears and reminded her that I was alone with this condition, could not even bear to wear shoes due to the pain and she didn't offer any suggestion of help either. Has anybody else been diagnosed with Neuropathy of any sort due to chronic anxiety and exhaustion? I know low Folic Acid can add to the problem and my Folic Acid is low due to months of nausea and IBS. Would be interested to hear from anyone with similar problems. Helen

Captain America
22-05-09, 22:38
Hi Helen,

A close friend of mine had this and it was found to be caused by diabetes. Once he got that under control he was fine.

Honestly, your GP didn't provide any help? That's just terrible. I think you need to go back there and demand that you at least get to see someone who knows about this stuff. A neurologist, anybody!

There is treatment for this. They HAVE to help you. They took an oath didn't they?

I hate hearing stories like this. The NHS can be so good sometimes but every once in a while i hear a story like this and it makes me fear national health care.

I hope you can find someone to help. Wish i could offer more...

23-05-09, 14:20
Thanks Captain America - my Neuropathy is definitely not diabetes related - at least not if the results of a recent set of blood tests are to be believed - it's getting to a point where I don't believe anything the NHS tells me! I have an appointment with a Neurologist on 16th June - so all I can do is wait until then. Over the last 9 months I have received appalling treatment at the hands of the NHS and, sadly, know I am far from alone in this situation. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Best wishes, Helen

24-11-09, 17:21
Hi Helen,

Can we have an update on your situation?


magpie girl
24-11-09, 22:01
hi early last year i sufferd something very simular to you.My feet got so bad i could only wear flip flops for a year!!!!!My toes felt like glass and if anything touched them it felt like they would shatter,yet when the consultant ran a prong thing on them i had lost all feeling in my feet.I tried to explain the pain i was in and how scared it was making me but they just said nerve damage and sent me home !!!!!!!