View Full Version : morbid thoughts

miss diagnosis
22-05-09, 13:02
Does anyone else have morbid thoughts all the time.. I mean like convinced that they are going to die and thinking about what will happen to their family?

22-05-09, 13:11
I do/have, but they do fade a bit as months go on. They do pop into my head still but only now and then and I try to think about something else and tell myself to not be silly. Try to make yourself busy if you are thinking things like this, put some of your favourite music on or something to try and stop yourself thinking about it.

22-05-09, 13:14

I can't get rid of those thoughts:wacko:

22-05-09, 13:35
Yes, me too, all the time, everyday! Its horrible, I don't make plans because I am so sure I am seriously ill and will die. I can't seem to shift them either!

miss diagnosis
22-05-09, 19:34
thanks guys. im so glad im not alone!

23-05-09, 23:43
Me too! The 1st thought that came into my head this morning was I only have 2 months 2 live. No idea why. I was getting these thoughts alot but was learning to ignore them but then when I get them as soon as wake up freaks me out!

24-05-09, 09:11
I have these thoughts that every day is my last and i'm going to drop down dead at any moment

24-05-09, 11:42
I can even measure the level of my anxiety and depression by the lenght of perspective I have: 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day or longer (I think i mentioned it before). Obviously with 1 second perspective I am supposed to die any moment.

I try to force myself thinking about how I will play with my grandchildren and want to make it a habbit. THERE MUST BE WAYS TO TRICK OUR MIND...

By the way my kids are 5 and 6 yo.

Take care