View Full Version : Why wont my Lymph Nodes shrink..?

22-05-09, 20:37
I've been pondering a bit the past hour or two, a big mistake I know...
But anyways, I all of the sudden got the thought "Why wont my Lymph Nodes Shrink?" And it immedietly gave me a feeling of Anxiety.
These Nodes in my Jawline have been there for about 3-4 weeks now, I'm not noticing any growth..But not noticing them get smaller either...
I have one behind my ear, which has been there for about 3 Month's now, Same thing...Seemingly not shrinking nor growing...
So my wonder is, Why wont they shrink...Arent they supposed to just dissapear after a week or so?

22-05-09, 21:41
ah kraggy - i have been there. i know how distressing that is - i went through a huge phase several years ago when i was convinced i had lymphoma. i went to the doctor and he felt them and said they were fine, and said they could very well stay that size. so i asked him if i should call him/come back again if they don't go away, and he said no - just if they get significantly bigger. so the moral of the story is that sometimes, for no good reason, they enlarge a little bit and never go away. and trust me, i know that sucks for people like us b/c we are always looking for solid scientific reasons for things - otherwise the "unknown" is too scary. but believe me, you are fine! unfortunately, they may stay that size forever.....

23-05-09, 15:17
Hi Kraggy, if i pay attention to my lymph glands i can feel them too. They have to be there, they play an important role in your immune system to fight infection. They go up and down all the time, like if you get a common cold or a sore throat. Just because you can feel them doesn't indicate anything is wrong.

Also u had a 'thought' alot of times with HA comes from a thought, a trigger. When we get something wrong, many thoughts come into our head. We ask what is this symptom what have i got, what can it be? The more you focus the more you become obsessed with that thought. But its a thought, a thought cannot harm you. What would you have done, if ur thoughts said, my lymph glands are normal i won't worry about it! the chances are you will forget it and not focus on it.

25-05-09, 23:17
The main fear I have that it is a spread out cancer...Because they do not hurt at all, I read that swollen nodes because an infection are painfull, but mine do not hurt at all..They've also been there for longer then a month now, im getting weird pains in my mouth & throat and I am terrified of Oral Cancer...Well of any cancer really...I'm afraid that it is cancer and it is now so far spread that It will not be cureable anymore.. :weep:

Its weird that in some periods I am not worried at all, and in others like these I am absolutely terrified...

26-05-09, 14:28
hey kraggy, you sound EXACTLY like me.im going through the same thing at the minute.I have a swollen gland on the right side of my neck thats quite large but not painful (which worries me) Ive also read on the internet that when its something like cancer they can be painless and that they usually come up with an infection (but yet I feel fine).

I have been worrying myself stupid for over a month with this thinking i have cancer and that its spreading.today im off to the doctor to see what its all about and im petfrified of what hes going to say.im sure yours are fine and im even sure mine probably are, I think when people stress about things like this we tend to think they are bigger than what they actually are and our imaginations run wild which inturn makes them swell even more because of the worry.

26-05-09, 14:47
Thank's for the reply Ksludds, I havejust made an appointment for this friday, since they're driving me crazy...

Please let me hear what your doctor said

26-05-09, 14:55
I have a small pea sized gland in the right side of my neck, its squidgy & mobile & i saw the Dr & he said its normal. If it gets bigger or hard go back!

It has probably been there forever but i just felt it not so long ago x

26-05-09, 15:10
hey, ill let you know what my doctor said, crossing fingers that its just an infection and im sure yours will be too :) and yeah, they do drive u crazy dont they, I keep feeling like im going mad, must look like a mad woman constantly feeling my neck every 5mins lol

26-05-09, 15:28
Mine is far larger then a pea, more like a marble size, several of em. They're mobile & a bit hard...But the doctor said they were fine a little while ago : /

17-06-09, 03:29
Kraggy and Ksludds, what did your doctors say?

I am curious because I too wonder why my nodes just wont go down...and why I feel like I need to constantly check for others :(( It is a neverending cycle and I am so tired of worrying! :((

17-06-09, 10:04
Im in the same situation I have a large ish lump about 1cm - 1.5 it is hard ish and mobile under my chin near the jaw line. Sometimes it is a bit sore butr not all the time. Been to the doctor and she could not even feel it. So she said nothing to worry about unless it gets bigger. She also said if it is moveable then it is nothing to worry about.

But it still worry's me along with another 10 things but that just because I have HA I guess.

19-07-17, 08:10
I have had a small lymph node behind my right ear for over 2 years now. I went to get it check a few months ago and the doctor said it's nothing to worry about and just ignore it. It is just under the skin and small. I can easily move it around a lot. I just want it to go away as none of my friends have it. The anxiety of other people seeing it is what scares me. Someone just tell me how to get it to go away! I won't be at peace with it until it is 100% invisible! I'm never sick, never had health problems, the "cancer" thoughts and stuff never bothered me besides when I first found out about it, but when people see it they will say stuff! It is not normallllll lol