View Full Version : how do i cope?

22-05-09, 23:04
How do i stay sane, and move on when i do move? Has anyone else had extreme anxiety and or set of phycological conditions as you cant escape teh situation? At least at school or work you can go home so isnt constant. I unfortunatly moved under a moron and has a awful past and is thoughtless and inconsiderate.

How can i stop thinking about it all the time? i'm paranoid myself now i gave up an djust enjoy music sometimes and tv up a bit but feel liek a hypercrit but did exhauste dmost official options.

Does anyone else get this when you have lifestyle clashes? and different routines, i tend to feel bitter and very stressed and hold it in as cant loose it as he will know it gets to me and want to mov eon with a clean slate.

I am hoping to try cbt or see someone throug hlocal phyciatrist services as its eating away at me, i need to learn to exept it and belive in myself.

Doe sanyone else get thsi you cant think about anything else as your problem gets overwhelming i cant concentrate on any aspects of my life.

I have a problem that stress anxiety sets of my m.e/fatique and i tend to get very annoyed.

I know i'm in the right and he is a moron from friend family and offficial i do worry about my actions but hasnt made him any worse.
I knwo it isnt on purpose but hurts he know hi sfloor is a nuisnace and wont sort it, makes me feel small and violated and really upsets me. He is being stubborn and wont sort it just takes it, and feel i cannot stop my actions now even though not on purpos emyself the stress make sme ill that i may be annoying him.

How can i get it off my mind? it is worse as i know of him an dhe knows a druggy i used to know and dont want that lifestyle.

I dunno why things like this affect my confidence so much a swas doing ok ish before moved hear but i cant stand my home being an prison and atmosphere is ruined, he never goes out much either.

I pace a lot feel stiff, out of brethe and fast heartbeat, i feel it is changing ,me and really wanna learn some techniques before i snap, as i am laid back, but 1.6 years of this is really affecting me i want to fcus on normal life not be ossessed with a neighbor.

I hate im stuck in the situation that causes anxiety and wish i never started thsi conflict no wbut my principle that teh floor makes me unable to relax gave me no choice.

I do seam a bit obssesed now and very noise sensitive, i get on ok with othe rneighbors and just feel hate i have him.

Howe hard is it to move on once you hav been in a bad situation for ages, as i do have bad dreams and disturbed sleep and very tramatised.
I'm a bit trapped .

1. how do you not let what hell i sgoing on affect your life? i guess it is normal feeling in this situation, i wish it didnt put strain on my family, and fear of what will happen next from him.

2. how can i get on with things and accept teh noise an dissues, i just cant let it go, but guess i; just have to aspire to a quiet enviroment, it isnt a sure things i think i'm a bit nieve with expecting flat sto be quiet it i sall down to neighbors.

3 how can i listen to music or tv, without it being pointless as can enjoy the beat or program through worry of situation? guess moving is only solution, id rather be quiet myself and have a quiet neighbor to a spiece is far better than noise every day without rest.

I want to carry on doin stuff on ebay, stuff with cars, seeing friends, but cant get it all of my mind ho wridiculous the situation is, and i hav eno idea how it affects him, proberly doesnt. My consience dont sit well with disturbing others know matter who they are, dont think i do really as think he has a high threshold.

I think i jsut feel clostrphobic, as if i was in detchaed i could relax wouldnt get ill as would get decent sleep and rouines an dcan do things without worry of disturbing.

my life feels a mess and has brought out old feeling which maybe might be good, as can get to route causes, which may stem back from school stuff.

think i been in denial for most my life an ddo remeber that intence fear anxiety in school and class rooms i couldnt explian why, like many describe on here. Happen in many areas an di knwo im skilled and intelligent andn cable and can mix with wide varity of people, but alsways have this doubt that stops me, and find i think to much and worry what people think to much.

This situations set of my ill heath, my own fault for doing little research into this place

I tend to waffle lately i never wa sthaty bad at my last flat as got on with them but was still anxious about noise and area. I feel emarrest and embarrest i'm held back a lot by this and find excuses why i'm not doing things or i see other people to make it look i have more of a life.

I wonder if heavy cannabis use between 15-17 done lasting damage as did start to withdraw from that life when i left school then didnt kno where to move on too, and then i got ill with a virus and been stuck with m.e since, which agrivates anxiety a lot mor ethan it did before i got it, it is hard feeling tired spaced out in public.

I wast efar to much tim eworring when i shouldnt as if it wa sbad he would do something i'm sure, I am so different when im not at my flat but then get annoyed im pushe dout from there from anxiety and dread of returning as brings out the bad in me, i never felt until last few months just cant live that way.
I can spell just a bit impared as my sleeps affect here.

22-05-09, 23:20
if any one wants to randomly chat around my age, maybe 16-30 feel free to mg me. All ,my friends I know dont know the extent of my anxiety and most people cannot tell. I'M 24 male from east midlands. No pressure to chat can just see how things go and chat about any random stuff. Cheers