View Full Version : cant stop worrying about mole

miss diagnosis
23-05-09, 12:31
i have a mole on my arm its very small but brown with a lighter brown edge.
Doc laughed when i asked was it skin cancer and said no but she is still sending me to the dermotolgist. why? ive googled pics and it defo looks like a melanoma and im terrified its spreading.

23-05-09, 12:32
Well if the doctor laughed I should imagine it is OK they are pretty on the ball when it comes to skin cancer.

23-05-09, 12:37
Do you think perhaps your doctor is sending you to a dermotologist for your own piece of mind?
If she laughed I wouldnt think you have anything to fear.
Best wishes
Carol x

23-05-09, 13:27
Try not to worry too much about your mole, Like someone above said they are on the ball and wouldn't leave it if they thought it was serious. I have lots of moles and one had got bigger and darker yet there was nothing to worry about.
This anxiety is a devil of a thing to control but please try not to centre on any one thing or it will drive you mad.
Good Luck:)