View Full Version : ulcers?

23-05-09, 14:00
Does anyone get alot of mouth ulcers?I went docs yesterday because i had terrible headaches and aching and it felt like my glands were up and he agreed they were so he has gave me antibiotics to take for a week and then he wants me to get my bloods done to see if i have any inflammation.He said if not i might have to have a needle inserted in my glands.Does anyone know what thats for?I also have mouth ulcers and its making all my gum and cheeks ache and i am wondering if they can give you headaches?

24-05-09, 12:15
Does anyone get alot of mouth ulcers?I went docs yesterday because i had terrible headaches and aching and it felt like my glands were up and he agreed they were so he has gave me antibiotics to take for a week and then he wants me to get my bloods done to see if i have any inflammation.He said if not i might have to have a needle inserted in my glands.Does anyone know what thats for?I also have mouth ulcers and its making all my gum and cheeks ache and i am wondering if they can give you headaches?

I don't know the answers to the medical questions.

My non-medical opinion would be I don't think ulcers by themselves would give you headaches, but worrying about them and/or eating with your jaw in a different position to avoid inflaming them further could cause headaches.

I started getting flare-ups of mouth ulcers a couple of years ago. After googling the topic I realised in my case it was often pre-menstrually. I also read a bulletin board discussion where people had tried various remedies and suggested cutting out (one at a time, to monitor) certain foods: citrus fruits and bananas are the ones I remember. At that time I had been eating a lot of bananas to try and cure a potassium deficiency, so struck by the coincidence I stopped eating bananas for several months. I have only had two mouth ulcers since then. Could be a coincidence, but I'm staying off the bananas.
