View Full Version : out of breath

30-08-05, 11:00
when i hug my partner i can feel my chest tightening really bad its that bad i have to push him away and i find myself gasping after a few minutes i calm down is this due to the anxiety i have? if so how can i stop this from happening i love my partner very much and i dont want him to think its him he says he understands but i cant help but feel he is getting frustrated with it. any advice is appreciated, thanks.

30-08-05, 11:54
Do you have anxiety? Have you seen a doctor or anyone about it? You need to make sure it isnt anything else, only a doctor can tell you really.

30-08-05, 13:58
Maybe it just feels constricting and all a bit close.

Try some dancing which includes both close and independent steps so you can see if that sort of contact is any better.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-09-05, 22:47
yeah i was told by the doctor that i have anxiety. she gave me notes on self help, but they dont help me much, with this problem i'm having.

03-09-05, 00:12
i sometimes get this too, and i have to push him away often when he cuddles me in bed. i think it's definitely an anxiety thing. i find the best thing is to just give myself space if i need it, take deep breaths.

03-09-05, 12:37
Hey, I feel like that too!

I thought it was just me and had not considered it part of the anxiety. It makes sense now because I love Daryl and want to be close, but feel claustrophobic when he holds me or want to kiss for long.

Like your partner he is very understanding, but you don't want to make them feel rejected when you love them so much. Knowing it is part of the anxiety makes it easier for me. With depression & anxiety you doubt so much. This site always reassures me.

Thanks for posting 4sure. I hope you are helped by the replies here too.

Lisa. :)

04-09-05, 00:22
it is reassuring to know that i am not the only one to have this problem. Thanks for all of your replies, it really helps.

04-09-05, 01:09
I also get the same kinda thing with my girlfriend probably is anxiety trynot to worry aboot it. hope the site is helpin u take care. cammy:D

06-09-05, 11:36
I feel like this too sometimes.It feels like im desperate for some air and to get my personal space back


07-09-05, 17:24
the best way i can describe this feeling is when you go swimming and you go under water when you have to hurry up and get your head out for air and when you do you're gasping and your heart starts beating really fast. Thats what it feels like.

07-09-05, 17:32
I'm sure this is just a symptom of the anxiety and that you have nothing to worry about :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal