View Full Version : Elmiron treatment for Interstitial Cystitis??

23-05-09, 18:34
Hi guys

I have posted here b4 regarding my problem with frequent urination. Now my doctor tells me it is Interstitial cystitis, and in my case linked to my IBS and Anxiety. This is now my 3rd episode of this, and has lasted much longer. Not the nicest thing to have, especially when you are a HA sufferer!!

I was wondering if anyone new anything about the drug Elmiron, i think it is used in the US for treatment of Interstitial cystitis, but wasn't sure if it was available here.

At the moment i am prescribed, Amitriptyline 10mg at night, and Buscopan x1 3 times a day. Have been on this now for about 10 days, Not working as yet....have days where it feels better, then it comes back again!!

If anyone has any info on this condition it would be appreciated.:smile:


26-05-09, 22:07
Hi there,

I also suffer with what the doc is guessig is interstitial cystitis or urethral syndrome. Have you had cystoscopy? Or is your doc just assuming its IC? I was put on 10mg amitriptyline and fter about 3 weeks or so it started to work wonders. Doc told me it wwould calm my bladder and me as well! It did help me to relax in the evening and to sleep well. Not sure if I have IC though, had a lot of trouble again recently, irritation and needing to go even after I have just been! I have been told to up my dose a little. I have heard of Elmiron, havn't taken it. Try looking on the IC and overactive bladder website, here is http://www.cobfoundation.org/IC/ICTreatmentsOralElmiron.html the page on elmiron

What tests have you had and how long have youbeen suffering?

Hope you feel better soon.

Jess x

12-04-10, 15:34

I have had I.S. / P.B.S for 9 years now and currently suffer with chronic bladder pain and bladder frequency of typically 60 times a day. My Urologist has tried everything (except Elmiron) and threatens to remove my bladder each time I see him. I am currently part way through a 16 week course of CBT which is helping me enormously with my depression and anxiety. I am waiting to see what long term benefits I get from my CBT before I proceed with any further invasive procedures as I am convinced stress and anxiety are major factors if not the root cause of my bladder problems. Has anyone succeeded in obtaining Elmiron in the UK through the NHS? If so I would be very interested to here how it is obtained and how effective it has been in treating bladder conditions.

All the very best,

Alan Wood (age 54)

27-04-10, 15:41
Hi Alan,

I have recently been diagonised with IC... I am on Cimetidine, tropsium chloride and tamulouslin (please forgive me if misspelt). I am on a 6 month course, my GP has recommended that if they don't work that I should buy Elmiron from the US... there are a few websites online where you can purchase the drugs. Apparently they aren't available in the UK yet, but trials are ongoing to get them approved.

I am also on a weekly does of Uracyst instills.

Hope he above helps you.
