View Full Version : Cutting Down Smoking and Weight Gain

23-05-09, 19:45
I'm not sure if this is the right section to post in so I apologise if it is!

When I was a teenager I suffered with Anorexia Nervosa brought on by Body Dysmorphic Disorder. After years of counselling I managed to bring my weight back up to normal however I still suffer with the mental torment of Anorexia and BDD, constantly fearing becoming overweight and seeing myself as what I'm not.

Anyway, I've recently started cutting down on cigarettes (I only ever smoked 5 a day on average anyway so not too hard) but I am extremely conscious of my body image and I'm so scared that I'm getting bigger even though the scales arent really budging apart from daily fluid intake knocking it up a pound every now and then which soon disappears.

Has anyone out there managed to quit smoking without the weight gain? Does it only happen if you replace cigarettes with eating? (This is something I'm trying not to do, I'm replacing cigarettes by chewing sugar free gum).

Please say that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I will be able to stop without the need to panic about my body changing!


C x