View Full Version : Cysts or glands behind ear?

23-05-09, 19:54
I posted about these years and years ago and I know another lady on here had the same thing.

Right behind my ears on the bone I have a lump behind the left ear that is always enlarged, bit larger than say smartie size, and behind my right I have 2 pea sized ones close together.

A few times a year they tend to swell up abit, sometimes painful sometimes not, they soon go down. At the moment the left one is enlarged to about the size of a malteser, it doesn't hurt.

I am just curious as to what they are, glands or cysts. I was once told by a training GP that they were probably cysts, my mum told me that the GP when I was younger said they were probably enlarged glands.

I am seeing my GP in a few weeks about something else so I might ask him what they are. Does anyone else get them?

25-05-09, 18:34
Once when i was very sick with a cold i got exactly what you described behind one ear, it was before i had health anxiety and just googled where the lymph nodes are and lo and behold there are some there. it went away when i got better. my boss had the same thing when she was sick, i do think it is like when you get sick and those glands at your throat swell. hope that helps, dont google, i did it for you! :winks:
hope you are are feeling well.
lindsay :flowers:

25-05-09, 19:56
Thanks Lindsay,

I think they probably are just glands then, I had laryngitis a few weeks ago, im over it now but maybe they are swollen due to that.

25-05-09, 20:21
Yes, I have heard glands can stay swollen a while after an infection or virus.