View Full Version : Scared of blood clot in neck, help!

23-05-09, 21:21
Today me and my bf were arguing.. And he grabbed hold of me by the neck and pushed me against a wall.. Before this he kind of grabbed hold of my head and sorta my neck aswell.

I've got a terrible headache (Which I just assumed was from crying) but I've only just realized now that the argument happened around 3-4pm.. It's 9.20pm now and I still have this headache.

Under my throat's a little sore, but I have some pain on the left side of my neck, kind of behind my ear and down a bit.

I'm also pregnant - due in 5 days. And I've read about blood clots in pregnancy and how your blood has a higher tendancy to clot.

My HA has virtually dissapeared over the last few months, but the last hour or so I've been really freaking out about a blood clot in my neck.

I googled - I know I shouldn't.. And found this thing about a man who was killed by police, they got him in a neck lock and put him in the van.. By the time they reached the station he was dead b/c the neck lock had given him a blood clot and it had gone to his brain. There was another incident with the police where they got a man in a neck lock and that gave him a blood clot.. He didn't know though and died 9 days later by stroke!

Does it sound like it could be a blood clot? What should I do?.. Could my headache just be from crying even though it was a while ago? I'm so scared please help :( What should I look out for?


23-05-09, 21:26
Firstly, get rid of the boyfriend for f**ks sake!!! He's physically abusing you with 5 days until you have a baby...this makes me feel sick! What the hell is he doing that for more importantly??????

I can't even begin to think about answering the HA problem....not when there are MORE important things that you should deal with first....

23-05-09, 21:28
That has been sorted out and he's not here anymore.. I'm not stupid =/

23-05-09, 21:34
I've been reading through your old posts and its quite obvious that you fear blood clots in the head/neck/legs.

I think that you will be fine, but if you're concerned call NHS direct and speak to them....OR pop down to A & E for check up. If you're that worried it would be an idea especially since you're pregnant.

...AND...i wouldn't let him back in either, if he does it when you're pregnant, what the hell is he going to do to you when you're no longer carrying HIS child? Also, would he be likely to hurt the baby if that doesn't stop crying...? The calmest of people can get frustrated with the hours of endless crying and sleepless nights.