View Full Version : Really Really cannot put weight on!

23-05-09, 22:44
Might sound weird to some people but I REALLY want to put on weight.

Im 6 foot 2 so quite tall and skinny as you;d expect but I hate it. Ive tried eating a lot of meals a day and still nothing.

I currently weigh between 11.5 & 12 stone which is okay and I check regular and I am NOT loosing weight but I always seem to be looking skinnier.

My arms seem to be the same width from my bony wrist up to my shoulder. My hips are really boney and I hate it. I cant even lie on my side becuase it hurts after a while because my sides are so skinny.

I dont look that skinny my parents say but Im getting so paranoid about it lately I keep noticing body parts on my which look more skinny that probably dont.

Is there anyway of me putting on weight and most importantly bulking up my chest, arms and putting weight on my hips?

Thanks for any help. I was speaking to a member before via private message about this but eating more didnt seem to help. Does anyone have some diet plans or anything with what foods to eat etc etc


24-05-09, 11:25
You have the same problem as my daughter in law - she is 5ft 7inches tall and extremely thin - she looke anorexic and has a bad time with Dr's etc convincing them that this is normal for her. Her whole family is skeletal thin - she is a UK size 6-8 and is perfect model shape! BUT I know she eats perfectly normally - she tried to increase her weight a few months ago by eating lots of high calorie snacks between meals expecially chocolate:yesyes: and after a month she had lost weight:shrug:
Her mother was exactly same and was even smaller than my daughter in law.

So its just genetic she has a very very fast metabolism and she has a hard time not losing weight NOW me I don't think I have a metabolism at all:) I come from a family who are all overweight including the ones who haven't had anything much to dow ith each other so its not bad habit learning.
I eat less than half what my daughter in law does a day and yet I am 4 st overweight.
Eat well and accept its all genetic.

25-05-09, 14:51
Hey thanks for the reply.

Yeah my metabolism must be high, I never seem to put weight on, As a baby though I was really fat and podgy lol.

Was wondering if anyone else has any advice on this? Especially looking for some diet plans with what foods to eat a lot of etc?


26-05-09, 16:23
Anybody? Please lol

26-05-09, 16:55
Hey sMint,,, i did sports therapy at college, we learnt all about exercise and nutrition. PM me if you want we can talk it through xxxx

27-05-09, 16:51
Hi Smint,

You should start going to the gym and life weights. Eat lots of protein and carbohydrates. Get a protein drink like Promax or Cyclone from ebay (its cheapest)

Take in lots of calories and you will be quick to put on weight.

The Citalopram I'm taking is great for weightgain, I've put on six kilos in about 4 months. I'm 5ft 8" and 11 stone.

Good luck! :yesyes:

27-05-09, 16:53
Thanks Mark.

Do you recommend any specific protein drinks? I did have some here before but forgot about it and now its out of date haha :(

27-05-09, 17:07
Maximuscle `Promax' or `Cyclone'.

Porridge is also great, even instant oats that you can microwave - they stick to your ribs.

Consistancy is the key.