View Full Version : I think i have a brain problem? really worried!

23-05-09, 23:04
Iam seriously forgetting things just lately! i dont know whats going on!? im on 100mg sertraline and have been for a while now starting from lil doeses from 25mg for 2 weeks and then 50mg, then 75mg, then now im on 100mg but i feel like i have a brain problem?

For eg.....

I put a cheque in my bank for my dad, and i wrote him a cheque to his bank as i owed him some money and then a coupe of days later i draw the money out and give it to him, and my mum said why did you do that for you gave him a cheque!!! OMG im loosing my marbles and i have no control over this! :scared15:

I really think i have something wrong and i want to google but i know i shouldnt!

I dont know what to do, sometimes i want to say something and the wrong words come out! really worried!:weep:

23-05-09, 23:10
Hey Lilcharlie,

Try not to worry to much hun. I don't know too much about medications but possibly it could be causing some brain fog for you. I've been having some brain fog recently myself whereas I always used to pride myself in having an excellent memory. For instance, about 2 months ago I was taking a practice test on the Internet for something and was writing down the answers on a sheet of paper. It was multiple choice (i.e. A, B, C, D) and I caught myself writing my C's backwards twice!!! It REALLY freaked me out. Then I've noticed that when I'm typing emails or posts I will replace whole words with a totally different word that isn't even similar! I talked to my mom about it and she said everybody gets like that sometimes. She told me a situation where she had written out a check and scrambled the numbers big time. I think when we are anxious or even taking medication, it can really mess with our brains.

My advice for you...talk to your doctor about it. Ask him/her if it could possibly be caused by your medication. DON'T GOOGLE! Please!! I beg you!! You've come to excellent place where everyone is willing to help you with symptoms.

Take care, hope I was a bit of help :)

23-05-09, 23:19
Hi Lil

I'd love a pound for everytime i thought i'd lost my marbles:wacko:

Your not on your own Lil, i bet we could start up a 'Forgetfulness Club'!!

How old are you Lil?

Trish x

23-05-09, 23:21
Thank you so much for your help!

I wont google as i know it will say brain tumor and i will get one if you know what i mean!, im worrying its odd, i think i shall talk with my dr sometime in the week as i dont think hes at the surgery till thursday.

I really dont know what ive done 5 minutes ago sometimes, its really scary, even my mum has noticed changes with my brain fog scary

23-05-09, 23:22
Iam 24, im scared really really am, i now think i have got a tumor in the brain i knew i shouldnt of typed that now ive drummed it into my head!

23-05-09, 23:27
I'm sure you don't have a tumor, hun. If you really have the urge to Google, why don't you look up the side effects of your medication? I really don't recommend this because you might see other side effects and then you might convince yourself that you have those as well, BUT maybe brain fog/memory loss is a side effect? I don't know why...but for some reason that's really what I'm thinking it might be for you. I think there's a forum on here for medications, maybe you could post on there and ask if anyone has experienced this side effect also.

Don't worry!! I am sure it isn't a tumor!! *hugs*

23-05-09, 23:28
Hi Lil, I used to pride myself on my fantastic memory, people have passed comment on my memory. I remembered everything, dates, days, things that were said etc etc. Now???? omg, I scare myself. I can put my mobile phone down somewhere my little one can't get hold of it and about a minute later I can't find it! My older children really take the mick out of me now for it! How old are you? I have a feeling mine may be down to hormones kind of thing as I am almost 42. I went through a period early last year where just like you I worried myself sick over what was wrong with me. I remember having a conversation with our local shopkeeper and he asked me something completely simple like 'how are the family' do you think I could get the words out. I must have looked a right idiot and when I got back in my car I panicked big time. You will prob find that because you are worrying about it, it will add to it. Are you particularly busy at the moment? stressed? I know all these things cause symptoms for me. Try not to worry too much, and also there are a lot of threads on here re memory and forgetting things and words, so try the search at the top.

23-05-09, 23:29
Thank you i will have a look at the side effects now, as see where i can find anything that im getting.

Im not going to google i shall just stay on this site thank you all xxxx

23-05-09, 23:32
Lil i don't know if you have read any of my past posts where i have talked about my hubby being on his 3rd.... YES 3rd brain tumour!!!!

Only after surgery and treatment did he have a touch of forgetfulness...he never had that symptom before either one.

I feel after all that my husband has been through, i'm quite clued up on tumours.

I think your probs are your meds, go visit your GP on Tuesday and have a chat about maybe changing them.

Oh and by the way my hubby is doing just fine:D

Trish x

23-05-09, 23:40
Oh Trish iam so sorry hunni i never knew (((HUGS)))

Im so pleased for you both that your hubby is doing well and i really hope everything continues well hun!

Thank you for your message and listening to me xxxx

23-05-09, 23:51
Lil hun there's no need for you to be sorry, i just wanted you to know that Brain tumours are not all doom & gloom:) It is more likely to be your meds that is causing the 'fog' and of course focusing on the forgetfulness makes everything we forget a big thing.

You have not got a tumour hun, so please try not to worry about it.

Hope you can see you GP on Tuesday and get your mind put at ease:)

Hugs right back at you:bighug1:

Trish x

24-05-09, 13:02
when i was most affected by my anxiety it also affected my memory, i was forgetting little things like words and where i put my keys or phone. i think it's a normal thing for an over stressed brain to not work completely how it used to, i also think it could be due to the medication as they do affect the brain. i'm sure it's not a brain tumour and i agree on talk to your doctor if you're truely concerned, but remember one of the main things of a tired mind makes us think that we're going crazy or have brain problems. hope you feel better soon!

24-05-09, 13:18
I have a BT and I am terrible with names but nothing new there because I always have been.:ohmy: