View Full Version : getting worser..?

23-05-09, 23:36
i get waves of panics/anxiety and feel on edge..
then my mind just wanders..
getting confused..ie if i think about walking my legs (mainly left) gets all spazzy
when i talk i get all mixed up and feel im speak verbal s**te
feeling drained at times
and giving up on everyone..

hurting my family (verbally) not caring..

smallest thing of sadness im in tears....

im on 20mg twice aday..

am i going screwy or is my depression just getting darker

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24-05-09, 01:08

I have felt similar to that before. Trust issues? Push everyone away? Wondered why I felt so damn alone!

The only remedy is to take a break from your thoughts, perhaps for 10 minutes in a day. That's not very long. Do whatever it takes for you. Picture if u were doing stuff u like. Picture each seperate muscle realxing out & letting go. Relax out your jaw & your eyes. Soften the breath. Know that feeling this is a temporary situation & it is OK to let go of it for a short amount of time each day. All that exists is you & your breathing deep into your belly so you feel it rise & fall with each breath. Let your palms spread out with each inhale & scrunch up gently with each exhale. If you still feel bad, there is no need to fight it. Accept it. Feel it. It is right to feel the way you feel. You have the choice how you can react to it.

It is OK to feel the way you feel. You just need to allow yourself time where you aren't analysing it so you can feel it, understand it & finally let it go.

Well that's my 2 cents


25-05-09, 17:20
just thinking i was going down and down

02-06-09, 23:50
had a bad turn.. told me son off, daughter started to shout at me, told her to F off mind her own buisness, she started getting all sh*tty to me calling me crap dad that i was a c*nt etc.. so got mad told her a few home truths she ran off to her mum upstairs, then son (8) told me he didnt like me etc etc. i felt very weak and had a heavy sunken heart feeling in my chest i went up and laid on my bed crying, then found smaill nail scissors and scored nasty words on too my arms and hands etc etc

never got that bad..