View Full Version : The Swimming Pool

24-05-09, 04:04
I had a thought this evening which I thought I'd share.

Picture a person who can't swim. They're actually terrified of water! However, they want to overcome their fear of water because they want to be able to swim on holidays in the sea.

Their choices...

1) Give up because you just can't face going near a swimming pool.
2) Climb up to the diving board and dive straight into the deep end.
3) Attempt to stick their toes in the shallow end.

Which would you do? No pressure. It'd be entirely Your choice. If you want to swim though, no one else can do it for you or wave magic wand. You'd have to do it for You.

Option 1.

You give up because you feel it's hopeless. No one will or can help so you stay on dry land but you constantly beat yourself up and end up feeling very depressed but you feel safe.

Option 2.

You'd either find out you're a natural swimmer, or drown!

Option 3.

You develop a plan based on knowledge. You then find the courage to test the water. You put your toes in to get used to the feel of the water, then your feet, your legs, your body and gradually build up until you can put your head under. Eventually you then learn how to breathe properly. You take your first strokes with the help of a "buoyancy aid" and your confidence gradually builds in your own ability until you no longer need a support. You end up achieving your goal and overcome your fear of water.

Me? I do a mixture of options 1 and 3 although I have been confronted with option 2 at times as well!

At the end of the day though, it's what's Really important to us and what we're prepared to try to achieve our goal.

However, No one should be judged for taking option 1 and nor should they judge themselves for wanting or feeling they have no choice. We need to think of our own conscience, personal happiness and our limitations.

To learn to swim though, you need the 3 "P's" - "P"lanning, "p"ractise and "p"atience with a "little" "s"upport! :hugs:

tanya 1
24-05-09, 08:56
good words bill,also its a good way of explaining anxiety and our fears,sometimes anxiety gets explained to us in a complicated way thats why we get confused and dont know how to deal with it
tanya x

24-05-09, 09:11
Hi Bill,

Funny for me to read this today, i went swimming for the first time last week in two years, as my agoraphobia had prevented me from doing so, i went with my eldest daughter and my youngest one.
I was so proud of myself for doing it and more so i absolutely loved it.

Now, this morning my eldest daughter can't go, so i'm taking my little girl and my mum who cant swim, such a responsibility............no its not!

I am going to love it as much as i did last week, the reason my mum is coming is she was so proud of me for going last week knowing how difficult it is for me, she thought she would fight her fear of water and come with me today.

We're all fighting a fear in some way or other, we just need to know what to do and to practise it.

Great post as always!

best wishes

di xx

24-05-09, 09:30
I always take my Donald Duck rubber ring with me too. :D

24-05-09, 10:36
Well, knowing myself and people that knows me well also, would know I'd pick nothing other than Option 2. I don't like to mess around, only thing is though I would drown !

Patience is my only problem and I really should practice what I preach.

I usually go 100mph rushing around doing things, getting things done, but end up over doing it and then crashing and becoming ill again.

I have to find an inbetween, but I'm still trying to find my way with this.

24-05-09, 18:37
That's a good way to visualise it Bill. Only trouble is, I am always underneath the *&@@&* who thinks it's funny to jump on top of someone.

27-05-09, 12:54
Interesting analogy. The only problem here is that I'm stupid enough to try option 2. It's just the way I'm made I suppose. All or nothing.