View Full Version : How long does upped dose side effects take to settle down

Lion King
24-05-09, 19:58
Does anyone know how long an upped dose of cit takes to settle down? I am nearly 2 weeks on upped dose, the total time on is 10 weeks, I'm just experiencing shakiness and increased anxiety, but I have had a good drink over the last couple of days so that may add to it, but if anyone can give some advice/reassurance on this.

Many Thanks

Lion King

Desprate Dan
26-05-09, 08:10
Hi Lion King

I am in the same boat as you, i was on 10mg Cit's for a month and felt no improvement what so ever then the doctor upped me to 20mg the first week after upping the dose i felt worse than ever shakiness and increased anxiety these symptoms gradually decreased through the second week now i am into my 3rd week and the last few days i have woke up feeling great..

Stick with them everyone is diffrent but i can say i feel great no more shakiness or tremors hope you feel the same soon..


Lion King
26-05-09, 10:00
Thanks for the reassurance,

I am now starting week 3 of the upped dose, shakiness and tremors have been bad for the last 4 days, but hopefully I will see a turn around this week. I have done the relaxation exercises and this has helped the side effects subside.

Hope you are well

Lion King

13-06-09, 00:14
Hi Lion King, how did it go with the side effects? How long did they take to calm down? What is your increased dose?

13-06-09, 00:57
I'm now on 40mg.

Weird thing is when I couldn't get myself together enough to collect my 'scrtpt from the surgery and hand it into the chemist (days without medication., I slept for Scotland.) for a few days I was only awake for 4 / 5 hours out of every 24 without med's