View Full Version : when im feeling blue....

24-05-09, 21:39
Hi everyone

I'm so down i don't know what else to do & im so sorry if my posts are boring or annoy anyone.
Truth is im struggling with my break up from Dave (i miss him terribly) & this has led me to become really depressed & feel real unwell.
MY anxiety is really high at the minute & i feel on edge & nervy.

I have been feeling so lethargic, sad, i ache i have no energy i just want to sleep all the time....work is such an effort too!

I just don't know what to do with myself? I have booked in to see a counselor next week to really just listen to me & try & help me be the old me.... i miss her so much!



24-05-09, 21:46
Aww nickie,

I'm so sorry you are feeling so low, i'm glad you are seeing the councellor and i really do hope it is a big help to you, always here if you need to talk.

best wishes

di xx

27-05-09, 20:59
Big hug to you hun you are bound to be feeling terrible after a break-up be kind to yourself and keep posting on here don't apologise for being boring we are all here to support each other and you have given others fantastic support in the past.

Hope you start to feel better soon

