View Full Version : Back again

24-05-09, 23:28
My name is Johnny, 27 and from the West Midlands (UK). I have'nt been here for a while and although i have a plethora of issues i feel i'm at least better than i was a few yrs ago.
I don't talk to anyone in my life about my problems apart from my CBT counsellor so i decided to come back here to vent and help others i hope.
I suffer from OCD and GAD. My OCD is under control (touch wood:)) i feel however my anxiety gets the better of me most days. Mainly it stops me from doing the things i want to do i.e travelling, moving from my home town for a new job etc and i have a terrible fear of meeting new people and new surroundings.
I also have issues with my body image and quite conscious of how other percieve me which further increases my anxiety.
I'm hoping to chat to you guys and talk about anything really:D


25-05-09, 01:08
Hi Johnny
I've only been at this site a short while myself but it has helped me alot !

25-05-09, 01:42
Hello Johnny , Welcome back to NMP , lots of understanding here , take care:welcome: d x

25-05-09, 11:56
Hi and welcome back,

just post on the relevant forum and we'll help you out all we can.

best wishes

di xx

Veronica H
25-05-09, 16:50
:welcome: back. Glad that some of your issues are sorted out now.


31-05-09, 14:41
hello how are you today im vicki im from the west mids 2 xxx