View Full Version : Another Newbie!!!!

25-05-09, 12:37
Hi all :)

I'm 34, live in Milton Keynes, have a 10 year old daughter, a steady girlfriend, a 1 year old Bullmastiff & a 10 year old German Shepherd (My Shepherd has been my rock)

Things I like...... Walking my dogs, Cinema, cars....owned almost every hot hatch!, eating out and bodybuilding.

I have suffered from Anxiety/Agoraphobia for 9 years. In this time I have tried every medication, SSRI's, Tri's, Benzo's, Beta Blockers and none work so Consultant is putting me on a group of drugs called MAOI's, they are meant for treatment resistant people and meant to have good effects although diet restirctions and contra indications are very high, but if it means me getting better I will take it!

Current medications...... Citalopram & Diazepam.

I'm hoping for a bit of help to get me over my fear of traveling and reducing my Citalopram as its not easy to come off! Also if I can be of any help as in diet/training advice for looking good then please let me know as more than happy to help. Been in the Bodybuilding scene for 15 years so know a thing or two about getting into shape and helping others :)

25-05-09, 12:46
I am also new here but very welcome!!!

25-05-09, 14:01

Welcome to the site, I had a German Sheppard who was my rock, I lost her this year unfortunately. I also have an 11 month old Bullmastiff who is adorable and a Staffie who is 11. I think my dogs have been a great help to me because they get me out walking twice a day.

I think you will find lots of support and advice on this site.


25-05-09, 15:06
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

Veronica H
25-05-09, 16:47
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found the site. This is a friendly place with great support.
