View Full Version : I still have a funny mouth.

agent orange
25-05-09, 14:55
I still have a funny mouth, it tastes weird, metalic, dry and slightly burnt. I had some blood tests, a full blood count, thyroid and iron levels, all came back no action needed. I read on another post that it could be sinus, post nasal drip, allergies? I have a post nasal drip, my ears pop and I feel woozy in the head with slight pain in the face at times. When I stand my head goes all woozy and then regains itself. Anyone else had any of these and does anyone know what it could be? I have had these symptoms for 2-3 years and i was worried so went for a mri scan and it all came back negative and then went to ent who said there was nothing wrong, but something clearly is and I get so tired with it. I want my life back, but the doctors put it down to mostly health anxiety.

25-05-09, 15:29
I too have all these problems, post nasal drip, burning mouth syndrome, and still don't know what is causing it, i've had it for 15 mths now, some days are good, others are not, sorry i can't be of any help but take some comfort that you're not on your own with these symptoms.

best wishes

di xx

agent orange
25-05-09, 15:32
Does anyone think it is anxiety related or is it an underlying problem? I have actually been diagnosed with A somatoform disorder, which runs with Hypochondriasis. If my bloods came back clear, then all is fine?

25-05-09, 15:38
I've got a similar thread going at the moment, metallic taste etc. My GP doesn't seem to be concerned, she says as long as I don't start losing my sense of smell or taste it's nothing to worry about. If you've had all these tests and they came back ok, you probably are ok. From what I've heard/read, it's quite a common problem. You've had your symptoms for so long now, I'd put it down to anxiety.


16-07-09, 22:44
I have had a sore burny mouth and sometimes tongue for 4 mo. went to dentist and doc, both said it could be pre-menapausal as hormone imbalance can cause soreness of the mouth and burnning.
doesnt help when your suffering.