View Full Version : Feeling very scared- not about me 4 a change

25-05-09, 18:56
Hi all, i went for lunch today with my mother & as i was leaving she told me she had 'this annoying thing' in her mouth. She showed me her tongue & she has a very big looking ulcer on the side, She said it never started as an ulcer as it didnt hurt, its completely painless and has been there for a few weeks. She didnt seem concerned by it but i am v v worried, she is a very heavy smoker could it be cancer? could it be anything else? she is 41 and smokes 20 + a day and has done since she was 15 x

25-05-09, 19:03
Why don't you ask her for your own peace of mind if she will let the doctor see it.

25-05-09, 22:13
She doesnt seem to think its anything to worry about ' as it doesnt hurt' hmm. I have a feeling its going to be bad news

25-05-09, 22:56
Tash, of course you have a feeling it wil be bad news, you have HA hunny. Its difficult for anyone to say what it is until your mum gets it looked at by a gp. It genuinely could just be an ulcer, it may not be. Did your mum seemed at all concerned about it? You must try not to worry yourself too much until you get some information from a dr. Do you think your mum will go and see her gp about it? does your mum suffer with HA which may delay or prevent her from going?

26-05-09, 07:09
Ok fair enough, that's quite a rational concern,

Don't google for your mum, just explain how you feel and that you are a smoker so it would make sense to get it looked at plus it would put your mind at rest

I know how you feel my mum drinks a lot and is very stubborn.

if your mum doesn't go just give her or your Dr a call and ask them their opinion, that will help too.

At the end of the day it's prob an ulcer but i would get your mum to get it looked at by a dr.

x x x x x

26-05-09, 09:13
to be honest you'd be better getting her to pop along to the dentist, as in my experience doctors won't look at anything in your mouth,

anx x

27-05-09, 11:18
she has agreed to go to the docs next week thank god! fingers crossed x