View Full Version : Scared of nipple discharge (ladies only pls)

25-05-09, 19:55
I noticed last week that when i squeezed my right nipple, a watery brown liquid came out. It only comes out of one duct and only when squeezed. Ive been to my doctor who gave me a thorough examination and everything felt fine, but i now have to have blood tests to see if some hormone is raised (cant remember the name). If it is, then he is going to want to know why. He said there could be many reasons but the main one is a tumour. Im am now absolutely terrified beyond belief and dreading going for the trsts tomorrow. Im praying they will come back normal but then id have to be referred to a breast clinic. Between im waiting for an MRI to see if ive a tumour causing my constant ear whooshing, i feel i cant cope anymore :weep:

25-05-09, 20:22
if your GP knows about your anx, its a bit off of him to say they are lookin for a tumour.

Dont worry hun, i am partially deaf, but before i knew i was i used to get wooshing all the time, popping, discharge from my ears etc etc.

As for the nipple, sometimes this happens in relation to the menstrual cycle :)

Try not to worry too much ( i know that sounds silly!) and let us know how you get on, all my love xx

25-05-09, 20:54
ive had this in past wonder why we squeeze them to begin with its nothing hun dont worry


25-05-09, 21:08
I have had this since i was a child. its just bacteria that builds up in the milk ducts and is nothing to worry about. you might find, like me, you tend to suffer from mastitis... which causes your breasts to ache from time to time. it has never been a concern for me and i dont think you should worry either x

25-05-09, 23:08
My friend has the tumour this and has had it for past 20 years so nothing to worry about - she has a benign:) the emphasis being on benign tumour on her pituatary gland in her brain that makes her produce hormones that make her breasts leak- her prolactin levels were very high which made her leak milky fluid. She took medication and was fine for many years and when it flares us again which it does every few years she goes back on meds. She lalso had to take meds to become pregnant but has had 4 children!
It was diagnosed in her 20's and she is now in her 50's.
The worst case scenario is if the tumour keeps growing or cannot be controlled by meds then they will operate but this is extremely rare.
After saying that the chances are that your prolactin levels are normal and if they are then no mri will be needed.
You could have infection in your milk ducts rather than anything sinister.

26-05-09, 20:38
Thanks ever so much everyone. I had the blood test today and normally if anything is wrong, my surgery rings my home at 9am. Im going to jump now if the phone goes early in the mornings:wacko: I just hope everything comes back normal.

26-05-09, 20:47
let us know hunny xxx

28-05-09, 22:55
Well i had my results back today and all normal. Well, except for my thyroid which is always up and down anyway:D

29-05-09, 00:35
squeezing our nipples....checking my throat for bumps...feeling my nodes 3 x a day for swelling...gotta love HA! I have done this and did get discharge once....i freaked b/c i was 19 and was convinced i was pregnant...why else wouls anything come out right? Wrong, I wasn't preg. and never had it again...stop squeezing them sweetie :-)