View Full Version : does anybody get any wierd feelings when...

26-05-09, 00:47
they are trying to get to sleeeep?

26-05-09, 00:56
What kinda wierd feelings?

26-05-09, 01:01
hmm its kinda hard to explain.
like a surge of energy or heat in your legs or back.

26-05-09, 01:20
Funny you should mention this..
i was just feeling this last night it was really wierd..
scared the heck outta me..it felt unrealistic
and i could feel it surge through me down my legs too
im not sure what it is

26-05-09, 05:58
I get surges of what I either call adrenalin in to my legs or arms. It is most noticable on the back of my hands. I also seem to get a surge of histamine which causes me to itch all over....wierd. Not sure if this is what it could be.


26-05-09, 07:12
do not get that feeling but feel sick every night without fail :weep: