View Full Version : Pains in head.

26-05-09, 03:04
Hello all,
I have to ask what do you think this is... It is making me worry.

So about 5 days ago I suddenly felt a bit 'off' light headed and not 'right' my ears also felt like they needed to be popped all of a sudden like in an air plane, you know? I was paniced right off the bat.

After that I got a headache until I went to sleep, the next day I got up and was pretty much fine for the morning and then it slowly came back my ears felt like poping and I got a headache, the headaches haven't been bad, as soon as I feel it coming on I panic and get very worried that I've got a brain tumour or Anurism how ever you spell it.

Happened again the next day to a lesser extent.

Now yesterday my ears felt fine but I've been getting strange short pains in my head that last only a few seconds and then are gone, but i get at least one every 5 minuites started yesterday and has continued today....

Really really worried... I don't think this can be atributed to stress or anxiety...

Also worth noting is that I wake up every morning with a very saw jaw bone, I don't know but I think I might clench my jaw all night... but I've been doing that for ages.

Anyone got any ideas what it might be.

26-05-09, 05:54

Dont worry. I get this also. Sometimes my ears feel as if they are full of wax or are pulling down. The symptoms you are describing sound like what happens when the muscles in and around your head tighten due to anxiety and cause a tension headache. If you massage your scalp I am sure you will find this eases the discomfort.

The pains in the head are nicknamed "head zaps"on here. They come and they go very quickly. Mine are only in one side of my head and generally on top. I also get a tightness feeling on my forehead.

My latest one is to massage my head while washing my hair this as become a routine and helps relax my scalp. I have in doing this, discovered that I sometimes have a sore patch right on my temple (side of your eye). This worried me for some time as I knew it was a soft area and could indicate brain soreness.

Strange how the unoccupied mind works. I say unoccupied loosely as our minds are full of health issues not everyday problems.

Have a little search for head zaps or head pains I am sure you will find plenty of us suffer from this common symptom.

Take Care.


26-05-09, 09:42
Hi Ryan, I think I get very similar head pains to you. I get a lot of what is called zap pains, to me they feel like quick electric shocks. They first started about 5 years ago, I too was scared so asked my Dr. she said it was caused by either tension or artheritis in my neck, and not at all sinister.
At the moment I am going through a bout of these, it started 3 weeks ago. Now it has turned into headache all the time, some days worse than others. I have had long bouts like this before and they do eventually go, but I still get very scared each time, and the longer they last the more I doubt what my Dr has told me. Then of course anxiety sets in, its a vicious circle.
I dont know about the soreness in your jaw, I dont experience this.
If you havent seen your Dr about any of this maybe it would be worth a visit just so that he can put your mind at rest.
i know its a psychological thing, but I always feel much better hearing the Dr say its nothing to worry about, and nine times out of ten thats the case.
Take care

26-05-09, 17:07

i have an ongoing ear problem called eustacian tube dysfunction It norally happens to people after they have a cold or virus or hayfever, but in my case it just happened and hasnt gone yet...its not serious just annoying! it causes problems with pressure equalising in my ears and i constanty have to pop them otherwise my head feels 'off' and wierd. Causes pains in the sides of my head near my ears too and dizzieness...sounds kinda similar, might be worth getting it checked out

28-05-09, 02:19
Thanks for your replies, Mewah, Marly and Cgh!

Today I felt allot better for longer, although it seems to come back later in the day... Kind of set back in around 6PM

I think it may be related to my jaw, I find myself clenching my jaw quite often and I know when I sleep I often wake up clenching my teeth very hard. Talk about a hard habbit to break!

As for ears that might be something else... I'm still not sure.

If it continues I'll probably go to the doctor, I was going to day but I tend to put it off... I'm not a big fan of doctors... or bad news and I always expect the worst and hope for the best! =D