View Full Version : Night Sickness

26-05-09, 06:15
I suffer with panic disorder very badly and tonight I have got it really bad. I am being sick and keep going to the toilet and cant control my feelings at all. I have the added pressure that I have work today and am unlikely to get any sleep.

My panic disorder is very specific in that it really only occurs in the evenings and occasionally during the day. I am unable to go out at night or even go on holiday as just the thought of this makes me ill. I have just started counselling but have never had it before and do not know what I / counseller should be doing.

Just wondered if anyone else suffered from these symptoms and had got it under control? It seems to have gradually crept up on me and all of a sudden got worse.


28-05-09, 02:28
I can relate with the holiday, I'm not very good at travel, much to my girlfriends dismay! lol.

I don't like going out of my comfort zone and that ends outside of my bed! =D