View Full Version : HI!!!

30-08-05, 17:47
Hiya, just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Kerry Watts, i'm 23 (nearly...thats NEARLY...24!), i live in Dorchester, dorset with my hubby mike and my 2 children Joshua (4) and Lucy (19months).

I have suffered from anxiety since i was 13 (main trigger was school assembly) and had successful CBT, no more MEGA symptons til about a year ago, we were travelling in a car and my son suddenly screamed and shouted "I feel sick" which made my stomach turn and made me feel sick and panicky for the rest of the 2hr journey. 2 weeks later i had to go up to Birmingham on a coach to the NEC for a conference to do with my party plan job and realised i'd be in a room with 5,000 other people! I made it!! 5 and a half hours!! BUT i survived!! Then i started getting more regular anxiety symptoms (mainly when in the house on my own with my children or out in town) and decided in about February to go to the doctor, who reffered me to a psychologist and i was put on the waiting list to see a clinical psychologist (approx 6months) but in the mean time i was an assistant psychologist who was FAB!! We had about 12 sessions and i challenged myself and pushed myself (not ever so i felt uncomfortable) and on July 25th i was signed off!! Yiippppppeeeee!!!

I wanted to set up my own anxiety chat forum because when mine returned i couldn't find anything helpful other than sites telling you what your symptons are and that you are ok and not dying!! (really helpful!! LOL) but what i was after was to talk to others in my situation (seing as panic attacks are a taboo subject or to some people are what they experience when they momentarily lose their mobile phone or get outbid on ebay at the last minute!!) and i came across this site so decided to join.

Hope that wasn't too long and boring for you!!! [8)]



30-08-05, 18:00
Hi Kerry,

A big welcome to the site - congratulations on your recovery!!!

Love Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-08-05, 18:03
Hello Kerry

Welcome and well done for getting yourself much better

Hope you feel welcome and settle in quickly here.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-08-05, 18:11
Hi Kerry

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-08-05, 18:13
Hi Kerry




30-08-05, 18:38
Welcome to the site Kerry.

30-08-05, 18:58

A warm welcome aboard and we look forward to hearing more from you and offer everyone some valuable advice.

Good to have you on board.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

30-08-05, 19:12
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

Kristi Pipkin
30-08-05, 20:05
Hi Kerry

I know what you mean, I have had a look at different sites which tell you the symptoms but don't give any positive advise and encouragement, probably because it's written by someone who has not experienced what it is like to suffer a panic attack. I have found this site really beneficial and have printed numerous pages off which I keep with me as my kind of 'bible'. Any time I feel a 'wiggly' coming on I read through the bits which mean most to me and am able to talk myself through them - it also gives me something to redirect my thoughts.

Glad that you are happy and no doubt your experiences can help others :)

30-08-05, 20:15
thanks everyone its so nice to be welcomed so warmly.

I forgot to add that i feel my personal recovery was aided by the fact that my hubby was assaulted at work on 1st June (he's a prison officer and some stupid bloke just whacked him - several times - for no reason. could have been worse, he could have stabbed him or taken him hostage). Him being off meant i constantly had someone at home so it eased my anxiety about the worst happening when i'm home alone with the kids. PLUS he also (for the 1st 4/5 weeks) suffered from bad anxiety. He wouldn't drive, wouldn't go anywhere that was busy - i recognised the symptoms on him and helped him thru it - but it meant i HAD to be stronger and i HAD to go to town, couldn't just send him. PLUS it made me realise how far i'd come and what i knew PLUS it helped him to understand how it feels to have a panic attack (for most "muggles" its when you hyperventilate and breath into a paperbag they don't realise it could just be feeling like you need to escape, that you are gonna have explosive diarheao in tesco, that you are gonna faint etc). SEE, recommended cure, got a partner who gets assaulted and is signed off work!! TA DA!! he he he!! (he went back to work last monday, not had any contact with any prisoners yet but he has to build up to that over 6weeks)



30-08-05, 22:50
A big warm welcome to you Kerry



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

31-08-05, 16:01
Hi Kerry,
Welcome!! Hmm... maybe not the ideal way to recovery! It was great you could overcome your fears and do all those things! Glad he is on the mend.

Tam x

31-08-05, 17:23
Sounds like you are coping well, well done

31-08-05, 21:26
Well done Kerry - sounds like you're recovering well, which is always great to hear :D

My Dad is a prisoner officer, so i know its not the nicest job. He got battered over the shoulder with his truncheon (oo-er) a few years ago. I worry about him alot but he's a tough cookie. Anyway, I'm relieved that your husband is back at work and is taking things slowly - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all...

Take care
Lots of luv
Curlybird xxxxx