View Full Version : symptoms for depression

26-05-09, 08:28
pls tell me am i suffering from depression/anxiety or panic attack, everyda i hv this ffeling of drowsy, sleepy tirednedss, no mood to do anything, i can see the house so messy and i got no energy to do a thing, now my kids are suffering i cannot focus o n them, their studies is going down, i tired but icanot' becos everyday my head feels so light heaeded, drowsy, giddy, and i am scared always.how and when wll i ever get better.

whole morning evening i feel sleepy drowsy, heavy head bt when night time to sleep i am so awake and alert. i can't close eye to sleep, its so confusing.

26-05-09, 12:02
Hi Alba,

I have depression & anxiety & I feel that way often. I feel frozen to the chair. It's hard to go outside, but I force myself to. Life just feels hard. I have irrational fears from hard times I've gone through & the thoughts won't let it end. I feel tired & wired at the same time. I don't like bedtime cause my thoughts race & I can't sleep. I am too hard on myself about pretty much everything. It did get better than when it was before I sought help from doctors & therapists. The sooner you start to get help & make changes, the sooner it lifts, little bits at a time :)

Kindest wishes,


27-05-09, 10:07
i thought they ssay we can control all this ourself , any steps ways to do it natural or do it our own way, cos seeing doc therapist is so expensive for me.

01-06-09, 10:00
Hi Alba,

Writing or any self expression is a good release. Write everything you think & feel. Then challenge if those thoughts are realistic. Keep writing & asking self what makes you feel that way? When did it start to feel that way on that day? What were you thinking or doing at the time? Were you remembering anything specific? Were you thinking bad thoughts about yourself like "I can never do such & such" "I always stuff up this or that" "I am hopless at...." This is called black & white thinking & catastrophising (imagining the worst possible outcomes for a situation, even if it's not deffinately going to happen).

This is a good place to start if u r not ready for therapy yet. Record everything you feel, challenge it-what would u say if your best friend said those words. Question it-where do those thoughts & feelings come from. If memories & feelings come up, there is no need to fight or think that it's wrong. How you feel is the right way to feel. Let it be. Allow any bad thoughts to be released so they can be dealt with, instead of hiding them in the corners so they grow as shadows of distortion.

I think the most important thing is to make sure when you do this you look at both positive & negative, even if the negative is harder at first. As much as possible anyway. I did these things & it helped a bit :)

This may not be easy, but it is a start & will assist with self awareness.


01-06-09, 14:55
thankyou iwill try my best i am so sick of this, i want to live life normally like before, it is only at my workplace the people there is making me sick mentally.

today whole day i feel dizzy giddy light headed, 1 ireally thoght i am fainiting, when i move my head i feel so dizzy, my head felt so so heavy. i felt beter when i am home, but then i cook some dishes and fry chicken in a high heat temperature, i forgeot about 15 mins i feel my whole face is burning hot, and my leg starts to get weak, and i am sweating like crazy, whole dress all sweat like raining water, i am so scared, i thought maybe i burn my heart becos of theheat from my frying pan, i keep on asking my hubby will i be ok, i can't move, i am so worried.my face is so hot burning, i jsut fry that chicken for 15mins and i am alwrady catching heat.cant i even do thngs or cook or fry stuff.i feel so useless

02-06-09, 02:13
Help Tdy I Feel Out Of Breath, Can't Breathe, Feel So Headache, Heavy Head, Eyes Pain So Sticky,i Must Always Take Big Breathe And I Sigh So So Much All The Time, I Feel So Stress Up I Must Sigh . Heavy Heart Too, Why? Dizzy Of Course, I Feel So Heavy The Whole Body Brain And Going Sick.is This All Depression? And Sos O Sleeply

02-06-09, 06:51

Please do not worry,
Depression symptoms are always mixed with anxiety symptoms. And every time you are trying to find an explanation for yourself why you are feeling low and tired or cant fall asleep you are triggering your anxiety as its hard to find explanation of it on spot.
Then you start developing a vicious circle yourself: depressed because of anxiety and panic attacks and panicking because of depression.

This does not have to be this way, and it wont if you trust and learn from people who have been through this or still are going through and managing to break these circles and get on with their lives.
My circles can sometimes last for weeks. Last one was not very nice. I felt exactly the way you describing, but here I am now, pretty relaxed. Tired at nights and want to go to bed early, but I know its partially because of tablets, because i do not do excersises which i should, becasue i wake up for work at 5.30, and because I still have some little old background anxiety and depression left. It has been 4 years since i had my first bad panic attacks, followed by depression. Over the time i learn about the condition, learn how to deal with it and how not to be scared of the symptoms.
You will find all the tips along the way which will work for you and you will realise that its still worth learning how to deal with this because after, there will be time when you will feel trully happy and gifted by the opportunity to feel that way. THAT FEELING REALLY WORTH GOING THROUGHT WHAT YOU GOING THROUGH NOW. You will know how to appreciate tranquility, peace and happieness.

Gosh I sound like a priest... didnt mean to - I was talking not only to you, but to myself as well....

Hope it helps...

02-06-09, 08:10
Hi Alba,

Sorry to hear you feel that way. I've been there, but it slowly gets better when you take the time to vent your feelings. Depression can be rage turned inwards. Instead of taking it out on the people who are being mean, some of us turn it all onto ourselves if it feels like we have no power. If there is repressed rage it has to be let out. This can be done with the writing, or bashing a pillow or something.

Meditation can be a tool for healing. Make sure you won't be disturbed, or it can cause anger. Picture yourself coping in front of these people, holding your head high, like there is a shield around you that they can't penetrate, it can trick the mind into changing its point of view, it takes practice. Picture that their words or actions are bouncing off your shield & can't get into the protective bubble. Know you are safe & well. Then spend a few moments letting the thoughts melt away as unimportant. Watch the angry or hurt words dissolve until the letters separate from each other so they can become new words in a new day. Let a imaginary white light flow through your body refreshing you & clearing out negativity. Let the breath soften & let the body sink down so you feel heavy. Enjoy this for a few minutes & when you are ready, slowly open your eyes.
There are many styles of meditation, that's the one I use if I feel like anyone is hurting me. I have difficulty creating boundaries with others, but I'm getting clearer about expressing my needs as I recover.

There was a piece of advice I heard once that stuck with me. It can feel like the thoughts & feelings are so important they can't be let go of! To get well, we have to let them go somehow, sometime. If you know you have techniques to express these thoughts & ideas, that means it is OK to say to yourself, "that may be important, but I will set aside a specific amount of time for each day to deal with that. Then I can write it down. I won't forget anything important. Therefore I can put it aside right now, I will deal with it later."

There are many techniques, but these will do you good if you practice each week. It gets easier to recover if you keep practicing to still the mind sometimes, let everything out at other times & hopefully land closer to average without the distressing ups & downs reactions to things.

That's what helps me a lot,


02-06-09, 08:31
i am having very very bad dizziness, i can't even walk, or wake up ,what is happening to me, just now i am at crowded places, i cant' stand it, i feel dizzy, giddy out of sudden and so so sleepy. help.pls. so dizzy. can't walk, fcocus

03-06-09, 08:46
It takes time :)

It's OK to rest if you need to. Close your eyes, place your hands on your belly & breathe slowly. Feel your belly rise & fall as you take each breath. Do this about 10 times, exhale until all the air is out of your lungs. Pause for a moment & slowly inhale again. DON'T THINK! All that exists is your breath for a few moments at least.

The strange feeling can be if your breathing is a bit off. Gotta slow down the thoughts......

03-06-09, 09:53

All your symptoms are prroving that you are having depression and anxiety.
You can be fooled by them and think that something is seriously wrong.

I repeated this so many times every time on the way to the hostipal to the emergency, but then nothing was seriously wrong, and even i was telling doctor that i was confirdent that I will pass out that moment - the doctor was telling, dont worry you will one day, but not today...today you are ok.

Its depression, anxiety and panic. It gives terrible feelings, thoughs and the worst CONFUSION.


03-06-09, 10:02
thanks just got back my result my HB is low, i am collecting the result soon, nurse said comefast, see doctor want to review me becos my HB is low, (did full blood count for anaemia cos i am hving dizziness)

05-06-09, 08:44
i don't understand why is it i am always sleepy, the whole dayi am so sleepy, even after i slept for few hours i am still sleepy, drowsy, and suddenly dizzy. why is that the symptom for depression?;pls help

today my chest heart beat so so terrribly fast, so fast, that i am scared.my neck are all aching, back pain, and when i press my shoulder muscles all felt so so hard and stiff, and mychest area also felt so stiff and hard. and press it is painful.

10-06-09, 14:49

10-06-09, 15:00
Alba you will feel dizzy because of the anxiety and tension.You need to learn relaxation techniques and do deep breathing exercises.Buy a meditation or relaxation tape or try acupuncture.If you do not breathe correctly and you dont when you are tense ,the body does not get enough oxygen.The mind can only take so much and it makes you feel distant because its trying to protect itself..Laying in bed does not make you feel better,you need to keep going and keep distracting yourself from your thoughts. You need to really try ,no matter how hard it is. Luv Sue:hugs:

10-06-09, 16:20
thanks s much do u mean when feeling that light headed and dizzy do i stil contunue to move around do my work? i tried walking sill dizzy till i reach home. i realy want to be well again, i hv missed alot these few mths.

10-06-09, 16:29
Dont overdo things and have a sit down every so often,But you do need to get on with life .You wont improve laying in bed asleep all the time .Has the DR given you any thing for the anaemia ? this will also contribute to the dizziness and tiredness. Above all please take notice of the other advice I and Nic have given you.All the best Suex

13-06-09, 06:03
during my sleep last night i keep on dreaming so so much things that i feel i am awake, this morning i woke up headache, tension tense head, ntil i can't sit still, i get angyr fast, don't know whats wrong with me. hate myself now.cant do anything, go to cut hair, but so long quee, i just walk off, i hv no patience anymoe.

14-06-09, 06:17
pls tell me is it true that depression cause me to always always got this feeling of so sleepy, suddenly i felt so terribly sleepy esp when iam outside in shoping centres, suddnely i felt so drowsy and sleepy, i am so scared, panic and worried of what to do, i can't sleep outside, the feeling is that i just want to fall alseep at that very moment, then i feel drowsy, giddy, that is the most frigtening experience, eventhoguh i got enough sleep but i still felt sleepy the whole day, any rememdy? thanks.

14-06-09, 06:24
pls tell me is it true that depression cause me to always always got this feeling of so sleepy, suddenly i felt so terribly sleepy esp when iam outside in shoping centres, suddnely i felt so drowsy and sleepy, i am so scared, panic and worried of what to do, i can't sleep outside, the feeling is that i just want to fall alseep at that very moment, then i feel drowsy, giddy, that is the most frigtening experience, eventhoguh i got enough sleep but i still felt sleepy the whole day, any rememdy? thanks.

14-06-09, 07:02
one thing i cant unserstand if your bad how do you manege to hold down a job,me i get what you get strange when i am out dont feel bad its only when i am in my home it starts the reason i think is because in your home you have time to think,,then all these bad things start it does with me,, i agree so scary ,,do you feel like your head dosnt belong to you,, like your not in control i do ,,

14-06-09, 14:50
been working for so long, but it's only becos of the bully that suddenly i got all these symptoms, i don't feel secure at my workplace anymore becos of i hated and alot of bad feelings in me for that bully, i just can't stand listening to it's voice or passing by me, so it hurts and affects me until i got alot of unpleasant symptoms. and i am having job burnout, i am tired of working life, with so many evil people and so on, so i got no heart to work, every day the moment i reach my workplace, i feel i am reaching hell, so i get bored, thats' where i get giddy headache, nausea and tiredness, sleepy and i am not me,feeling.its' very very sccary until nowadays when i go shopping, i feel that too, it is so so insecure everywhere i go, it's is haunting me. i am out of controll i am trying my best hard to get cured, but i don't know how and what todo, they say face it, how to face it, meaning, if i feel sleepy (surely i will want and need to sleep, so meaning don't sleep or just sleep), i am a bit confuse on that, and if i feel giddy, don't panic, just let me be giddy, is that correct, so i am confuse, this is bad feelings, sometimes i do get it at home, but not as much as i got it at work, both i got is different symptoms, at home i feel like swaying, dizziness, sleepiness, at work i get so work out, tense, stress, headache, dizziness, sleepiness, got so frustrated but all i keep inside, and i just hated it that i am working, and my heart beat so fast when that bully come over. so i got 2 different symptoms at diferent places, in shopping complex, i get like dizziness, light headedness, then i start to panic and want to run off , or i just feel out of cotnrol , i feel the road or floor is moving, and i am swaying,,so scary. it is so sos so sosos osososoosososososo frightening expereineces, how to get cured....HELP HLEP HELP,.,,,HELP ....HELP ....PLS ....PLS...PLS...PLS...PLS.. HELP ... HELP....

15-06-09, 13:16
today feeling better butthe sleepiness and drowsy never go away, i hate feeling sleepy