View Full Version : ringing in ears

26-05-09, 09:01
Hi, I have a faind metallic ringing in my head, more towards my left ear. It is driving me crazy with worry! It started 2 weeks ago, after a swimming session,or at least that is when I first noticed it. I visited the gp's surgery last week and saw the nurse so she could have a look in my ears. She said they looked fine. She said I had a bit of fluid behind my ear? but it looked ok. no infections etc. She said if it hadn settled down in a week I shoud see the doc, who will prob refer me to ENT.-This has scared me sensless!
I've been on the web and scared myself at what it could be!- what an idiot!!!
All i can seem to do is focus in on the ringing which makes matters worse!
last year I suffered a bad bout of health anxiety and thought I had come through it. I dont want to go down that slipper slope again. I have already started again with insomnia!

is it normal to have a bit of head noise or tinnitus? Is this a something that can be made worse with anxiety?

please help

26-05-09, 11:27
Anxietycan make it worse, It could be brung on by hayfever.

26-05-09, 13:07
I have had ringing (mine seems like its coming from inside my head rather than in my ears) now for over a year. It just happened on day while sitting on the sofa watching tv and i've had it ever since, day and night. P**ses me off to be honest!!!!! Nothing makes it worse...and nothing lessens it either.

26-05-09, 13:38
thanks both for you replies.
I do suffer from hayfever so that could be the reason. It also does sound like it sometimes comes from within my head!

26-05-09, 14:20
hey.when I was a teenager I had a problem with ringing in my ears, It was generally worse at night when all was quiet and when my head was on the pillow and for weeks I didnt get any sleep, I thought i was going to go deaf.went to the doctor and he said that it was tinnitus, its quite common and said that id probably done it myself listening to loud music on my earphones (and i had done this alot).

Im 24 now and I still have it, its never gone away ive just learnt to deal with it.if I really concentrate on the sound as im trying to go to sleep then I can still here it and it keeps me awake, I just ignore it and then it doesnt bother me.I wouldnt worry about it at all, the worst it can do is be annoying and maybe keep u awake for a while :)

26-05-09, 14:22
oh and just to add to my reply a little.mines more of a hissing now but at the beginning it was constant ringing inside of my head.the hissing is much worse as it sounds like a snake is trapped in your head (the only way I can describe it)

26-05-09, 14:38
ksludds, that is exactly what mine is like! When it isnt ringing, its more like a hissing noise....very annoying!
What I have noticed though is if i do some exercise, afterwards the ringing goes for a while. not sure why? maybe becasue my mind has been ditracted and has forgotten to listen into that annoying squeel?

26-05-09, 14:45
yes thats exactly what it is, its the fact that whenever your not busy ur subcontiously listening for it (i was the same).its nothing life threatening honestly, its just another weird thing that our body does for no apparent reason.you will learn to live with it and youll look back and think wow, why was I ever bothered by it.

19-07-09, 20:20
how did you get on worrieir1? Ive had this for over week now.

Have you got better at all?

19-07-09, 20:24
I get this with lots of pressure out of the blue now and again, and I get it after swimming. Always my right ear too.

19-07-09, 20:36
how long do the episodes last for?