View Full Version : Unable to be still

Tori Frances
26-05-09, 10:51
I think my worst symtom is an inability to sit/stand still or concentrate on anything. I can't even concentrate enough to read a tabloid newspaper! I can't stand at bus stops or stations or just sit on the sofa/go for a lie down. I have to keep moving and busy all day everyday or my symptoms become so overwhelming that it seems utterly unbearable. Does anyone else get this? Been like it with only a few good days since Feb.

26-05-09, 10:55
yeah i get that! It feels like i need to go at a million miles an hour, it's hard but get into a routine and do breathing exercises xxx

26-05-09, 11:06
yeah me too, worst, i can't sit still , i must stand or walk around the place, if i sit or stand i feel so scared, worried or dizzy, i must keep on walking as fast as i can, or if i sit in a stationery car i am dizzy, the car must keep on moving, or i feel my head may explode, what is this anyway, is it panic atack, anxiety or depression, it's so confusing

26-05-09, 16:42
i think it isa minor panic attack and a rush of adrenaline alba :) xx

27-05-09, 05:48
thanks but i got it forever, esp in my office when i am doing my work, i got this feeling that i must run or walk away from my pc or my head will explode or i may lose control or faint there, so i jump up and walk away, when i walk i find everything seems blury. i am so sick of this, and i can't sit still esp in doc office, i keep on walking or standing to relax myself, i can't sit, when isit i feel dizzy.

Tori Frances
28-05-09, 08:36
I know exactly what you mean, v horrible feeling. I try breathing excersises but for some reason when I concentrate on breathing I hyperventilate!!! I know, am a lost cause. Hopefully we'll overcome this eventually.