View Full Version : dizzy whole day

26-05-09, 11:09
today is the 1st day of my menses, i am not sure if it is the cause, or what is wrong with me, i feel so so terrible today, i can't walk, i feel so light headed, blury, eyes blury can't focus, i feel dizzy, heavy head, heavy eyelids, i don't know what is wrong, and my heart beat fast too, and i am sweating and as i keep on blowing fan to my eyes, now my eyes hurts badly too, my head feel so heavy congested and feel like got water inside, floaty, what iswrong with me, is it the menses thing or just another day of my bad anxidsty, stress, depression attack, ihv it everyday but today worst, my head feel so empty and sometimes too full. i am so stress, what should ido? like whole head not light,i can't even walk properly i need to clear my house, clean house, as i start vacumming i feel so sick and can't move my head, when i lie down i feel dizzy or upon waking up light headed, it is so distressing, will i be ok?

26-05-09, 14:52
You will be fine, try and keep doing your house work when this hits. The more you give in to it, the more it will come. Panic and anxiety feed of off or fear. I still get the heavy head with lightheadedness when I am at work, I used to give into it and go home but know I push through it and it will usually go away when I let the fear of it go. I know how scary it can be for you. The more you give in the longer this will stay around, it is a horrible cycle. Take care and let me know if I can help.:hugs:

26-05-09, 15:04
Hi Alba

Sound very much to me like a case of depersonalisation.
It's a horrible sensation but completely harmless. It's also a very common sympton of anxiety.

I will add a link, have a read through the Depersonalisation section and see if you can relate.


Good luck hun


27-05-09, 05:46
Depersonalisation- i think i got that but what is the feeling like actually, can someone pls describe it to me, i have got lots and lots of feelings, so i m confuse, i got this dizzyiness, tiredeness, sleepy the whole day, drowsy, light headed, sweating the whole day, i never see to get better. and i guess also depression and depersonalisation but what is it depersonaliszation. i sit sometimes i feel so blury, out of place, and cant focus, and it scary, like where am i , who am i? how to get over it?

27-05-09, 06:07
last night i got scanty periods and this morning i wake up with so so much period bleeding it is so much that it come out like water tap with no stopping, see doctor, he gave me progesterone injection to reduce the bleeding, and i hv been feeling so bad, i feel dizzy, light headed, heavy head, eye pain, eye strain, blur and so on, so sick. i hate this, on and on it is happening, it never cured.