View Full Version : Sleep..had a really bad night

26-05-09, 12:39
I had the worst night in a long time last night. I have been staying up fairly late for the last week until about 3am. I normally stay on late anyway but my brain has it in there saying I'm tired and can't stay up.

I basically got in a major panic attack last night when I did eventually go to bed I was sweating, feeling stiff, breathing heavy and fast and totally restless. Felt my mind was wandering and felt I was going crazy and had to get out.

Luckily I calmed myself enough drop over but been fine today. Anybody else had nights like this? I think I've had one before but I do feel a tad stressed at the moment. :blush:

26-05-09, 16:43
That was me last night. I was focusing on my heart and then it started pounding. That caused me to have those "sinking feelings" and I started sweating and had to REALLY try hard to keep myself from having a panic attack. I wound up falling asleep around 4am. Not a good night...

26-05-09, 16:45
i do this hun. I remember one time when i was falling asleep and i woke up wwith a start - i was having a panic attack!

I welcommed the panic in, got my brown back and walked around the room breathing into my bag - hey presto within around 30 mins i had calmed down and fallen asleep :)

all my love xxx

28-05-09, 02:22
I have nights like this, I sometimes wake up with a start and feel competely panicy for no reason, everything feels 'wrong' and I feel slightly mental lol.

I often have to go into another room to sleep, i associate that room with feeling mad after I wake up like that so have to sleep in another room that night.

28-05-09, 03:08
Sounds like the attacks I get somewhat,here I am anyway at 3.00 in the morning after waking up feeling off.
It does seem like you are getting panic attacks or feelings of unrest whilst asleep or when you know you should be asleep,I sleep really badly and never used to until this anxiety affected me.Try to do some calming things before you turn in and don't watch anything remotely disturbing on tv as this could affect you,good luck.

28-05-09, 03:16
I'm also here 3AM because I can't sleep...

28-05-09, 03:32
Hi Phil

I am the same every night. I don't go to bed until it gets light, which in the winter is very late & I sleep all day. I live alone & have been like this for quite a few years now.

I am always on here during the evening & until I go to bed, if you ever want to pm me,ok?

You could try maybe having the tv on low or some music, keep the light on, see if that helps. Sit up in bed but under the covers & read a little & when you feel you're eyes wont keep open anymore, just slip down & bam you'll be asleep. Thats what I do.


28-05-09, 11:09
Yes I had the same problem last night. I was awake til 5. Ive got to the point I have bought a hand held dvd/tv that i can sit on my pillow and watch a movie as im trying to sleep. Last night was especially bad. I tried sleeping and it wouldnt work so I watched a movie. Still no joj, so I had a coffee (caffeine has a reverse effect on me and if anything makes me tired), but still couldnt sleep. So I called my dad at 1am. Had a chat. Then he called to check on me because I was anxious at 1.30am. Was still wide awake. So I watched another movie. Then I put on some music and tried to sleep with my light on. I fell asleep after the second track. Then woke up at the end of the album. By this time it was 4.20am. I got up three times because my cat was whineing. Back in bed by five. The birds were awake and it was light outside by then. Finally dozed off and woke at 7. Managed to force myself to sleep on until 10, then got up.

When Im feeling anxious it is a regular occurrence. My cousin is in the same position. She cant hardly walk but the docs still insist its psychological... she's in constant pain and has to take about 100 pills a day. Sometimes she goes about 6 days without sleeping... and sleeping tablets no longer work on her.... morphine doesnt even do anything. Crazy.

05-06-09, 00:24
It's been over a week since I posted this had one or two good nights.

I've lay in bed the last three just worrying I'm going mad, feeling I'm out of my mind, no longer just manic depression worries just fear of losing it totally and it feels so real. :blush:

31-08-09, 09:51
I'm back to finding sleep hard again. Sometimes I just sit on the computer until 1 sometimes 3 some nights during the week.

Does anybody else get this or am I going crazy?

31-08-09, 16:45
my self and my boyfreind have really bad sleep patterns, both have pts and he hadly sleeps at all...last few days he has had about 5hrs and ive had 8 in three days..i want to sleep but im so anxious i just cant relax even with zopiclone and trazadone...we all need a visit from the sleep fairies..

21-11-09, 11:26
I thought I had my worst night with sleep but I went to bed at 3am again and was almost counting the minutes I just could not sleep..I looked at the clock at 6.30am and realised I was still awake. I eventually got some sleep but woke up eventually and started getting big shooting pains in my chest.

I just could not relax. :blush:

28-01-10, 10:10
Seems my sleep problems continue. I seem to have a racing mind, heart beat going fast at times.

I barely got a winks sleep last night I think I was awake every hour. Then I had a panic attack at 4am which kept me up until 4.30am.

Normally I get an hours sleep or something but I feel shattered. Is it normal to get literally no sleep anybody else find this problem?

28-01-10, 12:19
Hi Phil

have you been to see your gp? Sleep problems are a primary symptom of anx/depression, due to some sort of serotonin/melotonin imbalance. Check in with your doc. I think you need some professional help.

Love and Hugs

28-01-10, 15:52
Hi Phil,

I think a docs visit might be a help, like Bexie says. A short course of sleeping tablets should help you sleep and calm you down.

You do need to switch the PC off way before the early hours though! The bright, flickering screen will do nothing to make you feel sleepy, in fact it will stimulate you into wakefulness. At a certain point you need to turn it off and read a book or a magazine instead.

28-01-10, 17:06
I seem to have about two bad nights in a month but reading the topic about sleep above: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=49569

I'm always looking at the clock, bedtime routines vary from 12 - 1.30am. I managed to catch about half an hours sleep after I went for a lie down today which helped but it makes me feel rubbish in the afternoon. Sometimes get into a panic attack over it.

I'm working on relaxation at the moment but it's hard going. I kind of worried as I struggled a bit with sleep the night before. At the moment my head says "I'm going to go crazy if I don't get sleep" and I'm worried if I can't sleep tonight? Will I eventually sleep with getting less the night before?

I can be a bit anxious and town lately so I'm trying to fix that. Sadly I worry more and almost force myself to sleep maybe I should take my mind off it before I go to sleep and think of something else? Might even hide the clock?

I hope I'm ok. :blush:

28-01-10, 17:13
The one thing I would do is stop worrying about your sleep pattern. This will just be creating a vicious circle. If you find you are lying awake for hours on end it might be better getting up and doing something. Then you'll probably feel tired again! It's easy to lie and wind yourself up. I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it - Margaret Thatcher apparently only needed 3 or 4 hours a day!!!!!

31-01-10, 22:54
It's really comforting to read these posts - I used to get these night often when I was a kid, I'd hallucinate and get really scared. They went away for years, now I'm 30 and they've suddenly come back with full force. It's a truly horrible experience so I know what you're all talking about, you feel like the whole world is asleep except for you. I sometimes find it comforting to tell myself that actually half the world is up and at work and that daylight it is racing towards you at hundreds of miles an hour.....

Hope everyone sleeps well tonight

05-02-10, 08:41
Had another one of those nights. Went to bed about 1.20am got about 20 minutes light sleep early on and eventually got an hours sleep at 7ish with help of the classic music channel.

I had my Ipod behind me and started googling when I got no sleep, mental illness, racing mind, sleep deprivation. It says you can die or get brain damage with no sleep so I'm now worried by this...

Has anybody else suffered virtually zero nights sleep? I was up early this morning as I have a job centre appointment so that doesn't e help. :weep: With a few of these nights in a couple of weeks it worries me harder I try to sleep the more I sweat the bed and can't settle.

Will I suffer problems with lack of sleep? I don't fancy sleeping tablets I know alot if it's anxiety..:wacko:

05-02-10, 09:36
:)do you do any physical activity in the day? - i am suffering from very disrupted sleep at th emoment with lots and lots of dreaming and no proper deep sleep, due to current life stresses - you cant help having things on your mind, but its how you relate to the problems its causing - like myra said worrying about it will only make it worse.

the only thing that helps me is exercise and lots of fresh air - just becasue you are tired doesnt mean you have to give up the stuff tha tis good for you - infact its better to do the stuff like exercise and walking than sitting at a computer or googling on your ipod - i know this sounds harsh, but sometimes we all do things that dont help ourselves and ignore the things that do - we dont always take an active role in our recovery - ive been there, so if you are deeply dpressed - and yes anxiety and lack of sleep are signs of depression - its not always being slowed down - you do need to tackle that first and recover - by small changes and lots of care and kindness to yourself. im not telling you off although it may sound like that, im suggesting that you look at your lifestyle in order to alleviate some of the discomfort you are feling that unwittingly you may be causing yourself?:)

10-02-10, 09:35
Had another one of those nights. Went to bed about 1.20am got about 20 minutes light sleep early on and eventually got an hours sleep at 7ish with help of the classic music channel.

I had my Ipod behind me and started googling when I got no sleep, mental illness, racing mind, sleep deprivation. It says you can die or get brain damage with no sleep so I'm now worried by this...

Has anybody else suffered virtually zero nights sleep? I was up early this morning as I have a job centre appointment so that doesn't e help. :weep: With a few of these nights in a couple of weeks it worries me harder I try to sleep the more I sweat the bed and can't settle.

Will I suffer problems with lack of sleep? I don't fancy sleeping tablets I know alot if it's anxiety..:wacko:

Had another one of those nights again not a winker of sleep. Half an hour light daydream if that. I must have sweated the bed off trying to get to sleep at every hour. It's wierd the more you try to get to sleep it's impossible, tired music and everything, reading nothing. I'm feeling worse for ware today now feel absolutely shattered.

My immediate anxiety is:

*What if I die from sleep deprivation/lack fo sleep/body shut down?
*Faint with exhaustion?
*Have more nights like this?
*Brain damage/memory problems?
*Aging quicker due to lack of sleep

My mind said what if I get no sleep..and right enough it happened. I am now gonna try and grab a sleep this afternoon. 2nd night like this in 5 days. When I went to bed I was tired but it was the magic "1.30am" and my mind started wandering and I knew that was the time I got no sleep last time...despite being up later today I got up about 9am and had to have breakfast.

Anybody else suffered in this way? I feel this is un normal not sure if I should try natural remedies/put it down to just one of those nights or go something?? :lac: