View Full Version : mole removed

26-05-09, 15:23
Oh my god I am really freaking out!
Went to have a mole checked couple of weeks ago and advised to have it removed but dermatologist didn't explain why. Went today to have removed and said there is irregular pigmentation, she wouldn't explain what this meant. Now all I can think is I have a cancer and no one will tell me.

I have a follow up appointment in 4 weeks to discuss results of mole and I don't think I can cope.

Has anyone else been told have irregular pigmentation of a mole or can anyone tell me what this means?

I am a real state now, keep crying and feel so sick

Tink xxx

miss diagnosis
26-05-09, 16:16
im not going to be much help to you cos im going through the same freak out at the moment. doc referred me to derm to look at mole she said has changed. what does yours look like? mine is a small brown spot with a lighter brown around it. she said it wasnt cancerous but i have to have it looked at cos im so pale but im still freaked out over it and keep looking at it all the time.

26-05-09, 16:27
It is also small brown spot with what looks like different colour in middle on my back. It has grown over the last few months but not majorly. My doc wasn't bothered about it but referred me anyway. The woman today started asking loads of questions about cancer and I just felt like I was going to be sick. However on other hand trying to be positive that when had checked intially few weeks ago they would have got me in quicker if really dodgy?
Have u had your appointment witj dermatologist yet?
I look at mine all the time too.

miss diagnosis
26-05-09, 16:31
no havent gotten my appointment yet.

but i asked my doc straight out if it was skin cancer and if i should be worried and she said no. she said they might cut it out or they might just tell me to keep it covered.mine has been there a good while and boyf says it looks exactly the same so im dont know.

26-05-09, 16:49
sometimes they just take them out if they change as a precaution hunm, try not to worry.

lots of love and hugs xxxxx

26-05-09, 18:37
I had one of moles removed last about oct 07, i asked to be reffered to a dermatologist from my doctor cos i was worried about it as it was fairly dark looking, when i went to see them they removed it there and then saying looked suspicious,i kept asking the nurses if they thought it would be ok and basically they didn't really want to say so they kept saying something like we'll know in a week or two for sure.
They didn't tell me at the time to come back in 4 weeks i just got told to wait for the resukts which i did and the letter basically just said they wanted me to come back in again.

I also have various other moles which have a lighter edge to the rest of it not sure if this is what yours are like.

In the end mine was diagnosed with malignant melanoma which is apparently the worst form of skin cancer.
The second time i went in they removed a bigger area of skin around where they cut the mole out to check if this had any cancer, i'm glad to say this part didn't and at the moment i just have to go and have regular check up's with them for the next 3 years.

01-06-09, 18:04
Thanks 21 girl. This is what I am thinking as I know others who have had taken as precaution.

Sorry to hear your news scooby, how are you doing now? Did the docs get back to you fairly quick? Was yours dark looking or was there are things with it that caused you concern? Sorry about all the questions.

Mine was dark but it had grown slightly over last few months, was only 4 mm when they measured it to be removed. This is what I think they were concerned about more than anything. They didn't seem in a hurry to get it off tho as waited 4 weeks between consultation and having it removed and have to wait 4 weeks for results.

01-06-09, 21:13
Mine is ok they removed mine in time before it had spread so it wasn't to much trouble really but it was malignant melanoma which is the worst to get so the docs keep an eye on them, went to hospital today for a check up where they decided to take pics of them so they could tell more clearly if they are changing between visits.
my mole had gone fairly dark really it hadn't really changed shape or anything like that just went dark.

Can't understand why your waiting so long for resuts i had my mole removed and my results back in less than two weeks

08-06-09, 20:18
sorry for late reply, not had internet for week.
Think I am waiting because they are not too concerned about the mole, the doc did mention something about usually would send for further tests before removed if thought was suspicious but just had removed to check anyway. But in my moment of panic didn't really listen to what they were saying and freaked!
My friends husband has had photos taken to check his moles last month but he has not had melnoma like you. Just so they can be certain they have changed if they have evidence.