View Full Version : anxiety fear

26-05-09, 15:51
:) hello my name is deb im 48 and a single parent to a great 15 year old son. I have struggled with acute anxiety for a few years now and still struggleing I am currently on sick leave from work my gp prescribed citalopram which I could only suffer for 2 days so am now taking flupenthixol and diazepam for severe attacks does anyone seen to be consumed with fear of everything I cant go out with friends anymore shopping is a nightmare as I convince myself Im going to faint My gp also recommends councelling but got to wait 7 weeks for that x

26-05-09, 16:42
Hi Deb-22, I thought I was recovering from anxiety and depression but I am under constant attack from feelings of fear and distress and I am struggling to deal with it. I don't like going out alone any more even though I used to enjoy it.

Click the CBT link in my signature -- get yourself on the free online cognitive behavioural therapy course. I find CBT works brilliantly alongside my counselling. I use counselling to vent my emotions and confront my fears and CBT to do something about them.

Antidepressant medications make anxiety a lot worse before they make it better. Anxiety is something that we must learn to control ourselves as I have been on medication for over 2 months and it has not taken all of the fear away; CBT will help you.

26-05-09, 17:36
hi psychopoet thank you for your advice I will really try CBT I agree with you that we have to try to help ourselves I wish my GP was more understanding as I have seen him several times with anxiety. Im so glad I found this website as I felt that I was coping with this myself. I just long to feel "normal" again thank you for replying