View Full Version : Panic has turned to agrophobia.

26-05-09, 16:16
I had my first panic attack 3 years ago and at first they were really bad. I couldn't eat or sleep but i managed to overcome them and they vanished for awhile. I didn't have a single panic attack last year but they seem to have started up again this year. I can't even get on a bus anymore or leave the area I live in and it's getting me down. I'm 18 years old and I should be out and about.:weep:
My doctor has given me citalopram which is a 20mg dosage. I am scared to start talking them as the side effects are quite bad but I am getting desperate. Anyone know about these tablets and can give me some advice please? x

Deepest Blue
26-05-09, 16:37
Hi Gemma, :welcome: to the forum.

Sometimes I can also go for a long time without having a panic attack but then all of a sudden it surfaces again out of the blue. I think maybe for me at least if I have something that keeps reocurring whether it's just thoughts then this can sometimes trigger it even though you're not always consciously thinking about it.

I can totally relate to you about your meds because those are the exact meds I was on for a while and I had strange symptoms with them although in the end they did help although I was tired a lot of the time which isn't good for the line of work I am in.

I think you should maybe give your meds a go and see how you get on with them because if you've not tried them then you don't know if they will work for you. If they don't work, then maybe try something else instead but you must tell your GP about how you're getting on, I think with me my doctor wanted to see me monthly to see my progress.

Finally don't put too much pressure on yourself, I know you say you're only 18 and you should be doing this and that at your age but that's just putting too much pressure, I think everybody is different and you know when you're ready to do the things you want to do and really not to compare that to anybody else because maybe it's them doing some things too soon and getting it all wrong!

Hope you're OK.
Take Care.

26-05-09, 19:50
Hi Gemma I can totally identify with you here as recently I have found my attacks have been happening in places they never used to like shops and buses. I have found the only way I can try and help is to keep making myself go back to the places and get through the panic then realising that it cant do me any harm but i know this is easier than it sounds. I have found this book really helpful recently "the anxiety and phobia workbook" by Edmund J Bourne.

eternally optimistic
27-05-09, 15:46
Hi Gemma

I too can relate to what you say.

I had a rough time several years ago and was also prescribed citalopram.

I took a second visit to the doctors to get assurance that the tablets would be good for me.

I was freaked a little by the side effects, but can safely say that any side effects that might have occured (cant remember any now!) were worth it considering the long term effects the tablets had.

You have to do what is right for you but the tablets, I'm sure will help.

I went through that situation of becoming very rapidly reclusive and I made myself walk a few mi.nutes to the corner shop. It wasnt easy but the speed that the agrophobia thing was kicking in was more scarier.

I wish you well with whatever you do.

Good luck

27-05-09, 23:48
Thanks for all the comments. I think I will have a read of that book. Its so difficult to face up to the panic. I keep saying to myself I will get on a bus and go for a ride. Not to anywhere I have to and not at any set time... but i never do and the more I put it off the worse I get.

I am going to give myself one more month and test myself. If I am no better I am going to start my citalopram x