View Full Version : Who has had Long Term Swollen Nodes..?

26-05-09, 17:19
So, I've had swollen nodes for quite some time now, atleast a month! And I am wondering, how common is it actually who else has had swollen Lymph Nodes for a long time?
And did you have anything serious, or were they just swollen for no real reason?

26-05-09, 18:04
I had swollen lymph nodes for years, literally. Probably 5 years. That was back when I convinced myself that I had contracted HIV. It wasn't until multiple tests that I finally allowed myself to believe that I did not have it. After a few months, the "swelling" of my lymph nodes went away and I never had it again.

It's amazing what the mind can cause the body to do. I remember thinking at the time, "no way can stress cause your lymph nodes to swell" but all these years later there is no doubt in my mind that is exactly what happened with me.

26-05-09, 18:23
Hrmsh, thats very interesting to know, I just hope that it is something similar for me <3

Any other's out there? :3

26-05-09, 20:43
Come on, Nobody else with a mind-easing story? ^^

27-05-09, 01:03
Mine swell too...or have they always been this size and I have just noticed due to recent poking and prodding?? Who knows! I will say that I can feel them. I tried to feel my hubby's and my bestfriends and could not...but I am skinny so I think that makes them easier to feel too. There is a child in my school who got bit by a tick and his really swole up from that on the back of his neck...I never even knew nodes were there and considering my fear of HIV, I wish I still did not know b/c now I really poke and feel them daily to verify that I don't have HIV :) Anyway, this child still has them, they are still very large, and he has been on meds for over 2 months!
I hope I have helped...I know that stress weakens your immune system and nodes get big when fighting something yo umay not know you have...like allergies and sinus stuff :)