View Full Version : Borderline Blood Pressure and diabetes test.

agent orange
26-05-09, 17:25
I went for a blood pressure test and they took it 3 times. It started off sys 145 over dia 98 then 138 over 94 then finally 138 over 87, the pharmacist took it and said it was borderline, and to come again in a week's time. I felt ok, may'be a little anxious. Is this to be worried about? Also I have had a headache during the day, which I still have, is this linked. I also had my glucose levels checked for Diabetes and this was 4.6, she said it was fine???

Anyone got any ideas?

26-05-09, 18:40
As you said you felt a little anxious don't worry about it you can always get it checked again.

agent orange
26-05-09, 20:28
I have read other posts and theirs seem to be a bit similiar too, but still not sure about it though.

agent orange
31-05-09, 18:46
Can anyone relate to this and is it high?

31-05-09, 18:50
if you was anxious anyway tht cn make it high , i know its easier said than done but next time you have it try to relax a little hope this helps


agent orange
31-05-09, 18:54
Thanks Amanda, the doctor said the last one was ok and did not say anything else about it. I was a little anxious, but not overtly though.

31-05-09, 20:19
thats good the last one was ok mine is always up and down lately , but i put everything down to stress and anxiety now

agent orange
01-06-09, 19:10
I went back for a retest as they suggested and it is still high, i saw the nurse who said it's not dangerous but borderline, she suggested relaxation, i wish i could.It is still 145/94, but it went down slightly to 142/94 at nurses.

01-06-09, 19:19
I went back for a retest as they suggested and it is still high, i saw the nurse who said it's not dangerous but borderline, she suggested relaxation, i wish i could.It is still 145/94, but it went down slightly to 142/94 at nurses.

How old are you?

agent orange
01-06-09, 19:45
4o. 14.5 stones and 6ft.

freudian nightmare
01-06-09, 20:25
it doesn't sound that bad to me, my bp always goes up a bit at docs and because i was nervous it was higher everytime i went they wanted to put me on meds but i didn't want to start cos you never come offf em and i was only in my twenties at the time and i think mine was even higher than yours!
Anyway got myself a digital bp monitor cos i got a bit obsessed with my bp being high all the time-you know how it is with us worriers, everytime i took it at home it was fine cos i was more relaxed and that was a few years ago now. Blood pressure does tend to fluctuate quite a bit and in my experience nerves and stress can make it seem higher than it probably is, if you are really concerned and can afford one get a monitor you can get them fairly cheap now mine was only about £30 and i think you will notice the difference when you are more relaxed. Anyway sorry to go on a bit but hope it helps. :yesyes:

01-06-09, 21:16
4o. 14.5 stones and 6ft.

That is a lot of body for your blood to travel 'round no wonder your B/P is a bit high.

Don't worry if you do get a B/P monitor make sure you get one that goes round your upper arm.

agent orange
01-06-09, 21:26
well i'm not large, but not small either, thanks for your replies.

agent orange
02-06-09, 18:57
I made the mistake of going into the doctors for a free blood pressure test in their booth (do it yourself) and I had cycled a minute down the road, I think i might have been anxious but not sure and the reading was 155/108 then it went down to 144/101 then 137/101 with a pulse rate of 99. My usual pulse rate is around 80 resting. Is this probable anxiety stress or ? What made me feel worse was my paranoia, I thought the admin ladies where laughing, as they were, and I thought they were laughing at me and I felt silly. Now i don't want to go back and i think i have really bad blood pressure.