View Full Version : Feel like rubbish for asking for help

26-05-09, 17:46
Hi all, well i just got back from the doctors about my burning tongue, he dismissed it as Burning mouth syndrome. I also plucked up the courage to ask him about my anxiety and i said i wanted his help as i want the old me back. He said he didnt want to do meds first which i agree with but he will refer me to the cpn?? I have now reasearched this and its a community psychiatric nurse why psyhchiatric? im really scared now and worried that they will think im insane or something or incapable of looking after my son. I am a great mum but i am worried they will think i need help or something :weep: i really wish i hadnt bothered :( x

26-05-09, 17:52
Haha, Dont be afraid...They send me to the Psychiatric aswell, apperantly they're experds on Anxiety & OCD's and the like, Because our fears are in our mind, Someone who knows how the human mind works, Such as a Psychiatric will be able to help you. We arent crazy or insane or anything, We're just normal people with an, in their eyes, Irrational fear.

For me, After 2 Talk's of an hour with the Psychiatric I just gave me, 2 talks, no change, 230 Euro's down the drain, They wanted to send me to some camp with other people where I'd have to do excercises that learn me how to cope with fear, I disagreed and decided not to return again.

But who knows, it might work for you

26-05-09, 17:59
o so its not compulsary? i might not bother at all x

26-05-09, 18:22
Nah its not a must, They suggest it, but you dont have to go. For me it did not help at all...Maybe because they only kept asking questions about my personal life & such, but after 230 euro's worth of Answering questions I really couldn't be bummed to spend another 115 to keep on trying :P

26-05-09, 18:24
Tash do a search on here for all CPN posts and you will found out the good work they do.

26-05-09, 18:27
I wouldnt worry. It is true, I have had bad experiences with one psychologist, but the other three i have been referred to for anxiety have been AMAZING. They of course do not just assume you are some crazy person, the doctor is just admitting it is out of his expertise. My doctor did the same and then deferred to my psychs decisions about mycourse of action and meds and stuff, and I was lucky to find a good combo of people who worked well togethor and helped me. One thing I learned from the process, you absolutely have the right to be treated well and with compassion, do not be afraid to speak up if this nurse makes you feel bad or is not respecting your situation. I have had that happen before and I didin't say anything about it, but did seek out better care. It is your right to be treated like anyone else with a legitimate illness and if you dont get that care complain and ask to see someone else! It can take a while to find someone with the right fit but when you do it is so helpful. it took me a while to have the confidence to do that so just wanted to pass that on.
Good luck and I hope it all turns out well!
p.s. and im sure you have NOTHING to fear about being a good mom, depression and anxiety does not discriminate and all kinds of moms, dads, etc suffer from this. I am sure they wont even question that.

26-05-09, 19:42
Hi Tash
Please dont be afraid. I work with CPN's and they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They often have more knowledge of anxiety, depression etc than anybody else. It will be someone for you to talk to face to face about your fears/worries etc and also someone to contact if you have a bad day.
I would advise you to meet them - if its not for you then you dont have to continue, its your choice.
Dont be afraid of the word psychiatric - it just mean the study of the mind.
Good luck

26-05-09, 20:30
thanks all, i will give it a try then. I was worried to be honest but anything is worth trying to get rid of this anxiety xx

27-05-09, 01:34

I was funny at first when I was sent to the Psyc Nurse, I asked her if she was going to put me away lol

She laughed and said she was just here to help me get back to what I used to be. I ended up going back on meds anyway but she was very understanding and they really know whats going on, so many people suffer from the same problem.

I came back to Australia and now I see an actual Psychiatrist who is brilliant and knows about meds and what they do and other treatments of course.

Don't worry they will be able to point you in the right direction also you are NOT INSANE you just have anxiety like most do and it will get better i promis.

Good luck they really are nice people.

28-05-09, 04:48
it might just change your life for the better!!!!! TRY IT