View Full Version : Every joint in my body hurts..

26-05-09, 19:39
and feels like lead/ concrete.

My back, ankles, feet, knees. It's especially in the knees and back and im finding it hard to stand up straight or bend my knees!!

Even my neck is stiff! Been like this a few days now :(

All my love x x x

26-05-09, 20:12
Are you on any medication that cause arthiritis?

26-05-09, 20:42
im on proprananol x

26-05-09, 20:44
10mg x

26-05-09, 21:23
Ok - cos I have the same but it is caused by the medication I am on and I am now on more medication to try and combat these pains as well.

I know that some Statins can cause it as well but you are not on them.

26-05-09, 22:11
no am not hun, ill go get it checked out if it hasnt passed soon, i will have had it a week on friday xx

26-05-09, 22:47
Yes - it is very painful for me as well so I can understand how you feel.

27-05-09, 11:59
thankyou hun :)

do you feel rooted to the floor/bed at times?xx

27-05-09, 16:17
It is worst in the morning when I first get out of bed and very painful to walk and going downstairs is a nightmare!

27-05-09, 17:32
you could be me! Going to see the doctor tonight about it :) xx

27-05-09, 18:22
Good - let us know what he says.