View Full Version : Whats up with me????

26-05-09, 20:14
I have aches and pains all over for months now. Specifically underarms, shooting down my arms, inner thigh and groin area, behind knees and inner elbows! Sometimes feel flu like as the day goes on. I do have high blood pressure and take Lisinprol. Also on Fluoxitine. I have been to the docs a few times and they don't really examine me. They just say it is anxiety. I did have blood tests and they came back and said I had a mild bacterial infection (like the doc would expect to see if I had an infected boil or something). There was nothing obvious that was causing this but I took antibiotics for a week. They didn't say I needed it rechecked. Of course my mind was thinking all things. Cancer, HIV etc!!

Am I just going mad? It all seems to be since I came off the depo injection in December so don't know if that's got anything to do with it or just coincidence.

Any comments and help welcome. Thanks xxx

26-05-09, 20:28
I don't really know what to say except that I too have very similar problems that have lasted for months. I can relate to both freaking out and feeling that Drs don't care. I hope you find relief and good luck.

26-05-09, 20:50
i ended up at the emergency doctors yesterday with my aches and pains! he reassured me its all parrt of anx, and it isscary because its a new feeling. My "normal" self hasnt experienced it before :)
in fact, i wish he was my regular doctor! mmy regular ione just threw the script for tablets at me and i was shooed out!! xxxxxx

26-05-09, 20:59
Oh my, this sounds exactly like me - and I feel as crappy is you do constantly asking myself where the .... is the old active energetic me..:-( Try not to worry and be gentle with yourself.

27-05-09, 12:23
I have aches and pains all over for months now. Specifically underarms, shooting down my arms, inner thigh and groin area, behind knees and inner elbows! Sometimes feel flu like as the day goes on. I do have high blood pressure and take Lisinprol. Also on Fluoxitine. I have been to the docs a few times and they don't really examine me. They just say it is anxiety. I did have blood tests and they came back and said I had a mild bacterial infection (like the doc would expect to see if I had an infected boil or something). There was nothing obvious that was causing this but I took antibiotics for a week. They didn't say I needed it rechecked. Of course my mind was thinking all things. Cancer, HIV etc!!

Am I just going mad? It all seems to be since I came off the depo injection in December so don't know if that's got anything to do with it or just coincidence.

Any comments and help welcome. Thanks xxx

Hi Shazza

I know where you are coming from as well. I get the aches and pains and the fluey thing too its horrible. Itseems linked to my cycle and freaks me out no end! For me it started along with panic attacks and anxiety during the depo and has gor steadily worse. I know that it could all be anxiety that has got steadily worse hence the symptoms but somethings i cant explain by that,

For example i have kind of 'man hair' that i didnt have before - more on top lip and on toes!!?? and super thick hair on legs too that unless i titally wax off you can still see the root - like a beard its so scarey. It freaks me out because I worry chronically about HIV although have been tested five times with negative result.

I did read about a woman in states who developed fibromyalgia as a result of the depo and she also has the hair issuse too. I know its mental but i keep checking on her progress to make sure she hasnt suddenly been diagnosed with HIV! ( i know very bizarre thing to do) She took depo in 1995 and is still
in ignorance as far as her appearances on internet - she wrote a few books about it!- if she has that, so not looking likely.

Do you have any other symptoms you think might be the depo?


27-05-09, 17:24
Hi Lisa

Thanks for your reply. I haven't had a period since I came off depo about 8 months ago. My breasts have been sore but not as bad now apart from the odd shooting pains going through them! I haven't noticed the hair thing.

What I do get that I am getting so fed up with is waking up very anxious in the morning. My stomach is churning. Like I was about to sit a driving test or something. It is every day where I do normal things like get up to go to work, which I don't stress about as that is ok. Anyone got any ideas, help? I have been on fluoxitine for about 5 weeks now. Could it just be taking time to kick in?

Surely there must be something wrong with me with all the aches and pains. How do I know it is just anxiety. The only thing that reassures me is thinking that if I was seriously ill then I would be getting more ill.

Help!! xx