View Full Version : So frightened, for my mum.

26-05-09, 23:07
She's been diagnosed with Stage 3B kidney failure...
I can't find any good prognosis...
Please someone help me, i am so scared, but i can't tell her that.


26-05-09, 23:12
All you can do is hug her & show her that you love her so she will feel more comforted in these situations.

Best wishes for your mum.


26-05-09, 23:29
I am very sorry for both your mother & Everyone closely related and/or friends with her.

I unfortionatly know very little about Kidney Failure, And googling is just something I cannot do...

From my basic knowledge (I'm only 20, so not all to much experience) People can live on one kidney with ease, right? there is also Kidney transplantation which could be a life saver, Right?

None the less, try to keep up hope. It goes without asking that you can allways come to the forum and ask for support.

26-05-09, 23:35
Its perfectly possible to live okay with no kidney function and dialysis honest, A close friend has had failing kidneys well last kidney as he had other one removed due to disease 2 years ago and his remaining one slowly failed. That was 3 months ago and he went into hospital to the kidney specialist unit and was put on dialysis and has been home now for about 5 weeks. He goes for dialysis to nearest hospital 3 times a week for 4 hrs a time and he is so much healthier than he was before he went onto dialysis. The restircted diet and fluids is a bit hard but he is coping as he feels so much better now his blood is clean.

So your mum could actually feel better if she ends up on dialysis - also depending on why she has lost kidney function she could be put on transplant list - my friend has other health problems that make operation of any kind impossible but he is now well andhappy.

27-05-09, 07:34
I have not slept all night, i'm so scared..

House fan
27-05-09, 08:39
Hi Belle

Stage 3 Kidney damage is mild, and very common. It does not mean that it is going to get worse, so please don't worry too much about it. In fact, at stage 3, there is usually no need to see a Kidney specialist, it can usually be managed at GP level.

This is NOT a death sentence Belle, I can assure you of that. Around 5% of the population are at stage 3, most are not even aware of it. Your mum's GP will want to monitor her BP, and advise her to watch her salt intake. If she smokes, she should try to stop, and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

This is not serious Belle, when you hear 'stage 3' we sometimes relate it to 'stage 3' in cancer terms, and think worst case scenario, but once again let me assure you that your mum has absolutely nothing to worry about, and neither do you.


27-05-09, 09:28
She's at end stage 3b - which is where most people will die of cardiovascular disease before they ever get to stage 4.

She already eats very well.
Never smoked/has alcohol
Takes 2 lots of meds for high BP including an ACE
She takes statins for cholesterol
She exercises 30 minutes every day
She takes aspirin
She takes a water pill

She already DOES everything that is needed to keep her well - yet none of it is working!!!!!!!!!

27-05-09, 10:16
Where did you get all the information about Stage 3? Have you spoken to the Dr or specialist yourself or have you found things out on the internet? I really am not qualified to add much to what others have said, but she is on suitable meds and looks after herself so I would think there is a good chance of her receiving further treatment which will help. Can you find out from her Dr what they plan to do next? I know you must be frightened, but sometimes we fear things which will not happen. Hugs and caring thoughts. XXXX

27-05-09, 10:27
Mum was told stage 3b (her kidneys are working at 39%) at the doctors...i've looked online.