View Full Version : does anyone cough blood after a nosebleed?

26-05-09, 23:12
Hi all,
My panic is sky high tonight. I have a big issue with "blood" since loosing a baby 4 years ago and I suffer with sinus issues and nosebleed, which until today seemed to be under control.
Today I have had a headache all day and sinus pressure. Tonght I blew my nose and the tissue turned pink, but no obvious blood except for a few streaks.
I ran a hot bath and lay down and could feel a something running from my nose into my throat and brought up a clot of blood and I am absolutely terrified.
Is this normal? My hubby and daughter do not seem overly concerned and think I am over reacting, but I cannot help my fear.
Any reassurance would be welcome.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

26-05-09, 23:16
Aww, please try not to worry..

I do not have alot of experience with this, but I do know that just like the other goo in your nose (Sorry, forgot the name xP) Blood can stream backwards in the direction of your throat.
I often feel stuff running down my throat to be honest, but never blood...However I very rarely suffer from any nose-bleeds at all, and when I do it is usually dueue to nose picking, so they are always located in the front of my nose...

I suggest you visit your good old doctor, He'll probably say "Nothing is wrong, just some blood running into the wrong direction" But it will probably really help ease your mind, as my doctor visits do so :)

Kind regards,

Kraggy :bighug1:

26-05-09, 23:21
Thanks Kraggy,
I am sat here in tears and you words have really helped. Thank you.
Luv Nikki. :-) x

26-05-09, 23:25
Hehe, No problem at all.

Alot of people here help me often to, So the least I could do is try to help people in return ^^

You should just remember, The nose cavity & throat are directiony connected to eachother, so say you have a nose bleed a bit further up your nose, say blowing your nose to roughly, Maybe Sinusitis (which is not dangerous at all, Just anoying) Maybe you've been having a cold lately, or allergic reactions? Blood could very well flow the other way, especially since you said you were taking a bath, I´ll assume you were laying on your back. So it would only make sence that some blood enters your throat!

Kind regards,

Kraggy :bighug1:

26-05-09, 23:27
Oh honey, I DO have plenty of experience with nosebleeds. When I was in my teens, I suffered from a blood clotting problem - nothing serious, just my blood would not clot as quickly - and nosebleeding was a very frequent guest of mine. I´d have it several times a week. When you lie down, the blood cannot run out of your nose, so it goes down your throat and you either cough it up or swallow it and it gives you a stomachache or a metallic taste in your mouth. Try not to worry about it, hun - as I said - I used to have this several times a week, including coughing up blood. If it´s only associated with a nosebleed, you can be absolutely calm. Been there, done that - not pleasant, but definitely not dangerous. But I do understand your fears...I was scared too the first couple of times.

26-05-09, 23:28
Im always blowing blood out of my nose. Im slightly concerned about blood in my mucus lately when i clear my chest, even when i have no bleeding from my nose, but my doctor tells me its nothing.

26-05-09, 23:33
Ahh, and please do remember this!

Now that you have had the nosebleed, some blood might have actually ended up in your stomach, please, Do not be frightened if in the next days your stool will be dark, since apperantly old-blood causes a very dark stool, which I know can be very scary at times.

Just a little warning to ease your mind in advance ^^

26-05-09, 23:33
Thank you all so much for your replies in my "hour of need", I really do appreciate the time you have given to reply. I know in my heart of hearts that I should not panic, but I just could not keep it under control tonight! I so hate this Health Anxiety thing!
Thank you so, so much for your reassurance.
Love Nikki. :-) x

26-05-09, 23:45
Hugs and kisses, Nikki - you sound much better now. I´m proud of you - I know how tough it is to muffle this stupid HA. You GO girl.

miss diagnosis
27-05-09, 08:57
This happened to me a few years ago.I had a really bad dose of tonislitis and very heavy nose bleeds. I threw up blood. its just cos it was going back down my throat from my nose. Nothing to worry about at all.

27-05-09, 11:06
Thank you all for your reassurance and support. I managed to get a few hours sleep last night, but found that lying down in bed made thing worse as the blood trickled down my throat, so I stayed downstairs, propped up with cushions on the sofa! I still feel very shakey this morning, and my eyes are puffy with all the crying (silly me) but I am trying to make the most of my day off.
Love Nikki. :-) x

02-06-09, 18:37
Hiya Nikki,

I'm just posting to see how you are feeling - you very kindly answered one of my HA posts about post nasal drip which helped me no end - THANK YOU!! I bought some of that spray today and even plucked up the courage to use it lol!:blush:

Anyway, I do hope you're feeling much better now.

Wendy :hugs:

03-06-09, 22:18
Dear Wendy,
Many thanks for your message and thank you for your concern. I am felling a little better after my nasty nosebleed, although it continued to drain into my throat for a couple of days as it took some time to heal. Blood really does freak me out. Sinus and nasal issues seem to be quite a common complaint on this site and cause many people so much anxiety and it is comforting to know that I am not alone. I will have to be a bit braver next time it happens.

I am so glad you purchased the saline nasal spray. I use it at least three times a day and more if I am congested. It took at least a week of using it regularly before I noticed a difference, so give it time. Giving up dairy product I know has improved things also, although I do miss my cheese! I rarely get much mucus now, so hopefully it will work for you too! I trust you are feeling much better yourself? Feel free to PM me if you need to chat.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x