View Full Version : Been in A&E this evening

26-05-09, 23:28
Chest has been killing me the last couple of days, but today it was really painfull back sides chest and neck, even paracetamol wasn't working 100%, so decided after work to go into hospital to get checked out.

its the first time ive been in a&e for myself, the last few times hae been with other friends and ive always been very anxious in hospitals.

This time though i was very calm and collected, brought a friend with me too which helped big time.

Good news was that BP, ECG and bloods etc all normal but it was good to have a chat with the doc about this condition. He gave me some codamol which apparently is really strong painkillers so have taken 1 of those which seems to be helping right now.

He confirmed it was totally muscular but i was in some agony - he also said that its time i got this sorted, but as i explained ive been to doc plenty of times, trying yoga, continuing football, anti-inflammitaries physio but it hasnt really totally managed the condition.

Any one got any tips or more info on what the next step is for me?

26-05-09, 23:30
oh Dave, I don´t know what next. But I am sending a big hug your way.

27-05-09, 05:52
It will eventually get better.

I tore a muscle in my back once whilst lifting a patient I was off work for a couple of weeks and was on bed rest, it was agony for quite a while but it did get better.

27-05-09, 10:34
Glad you have been reassured Dave, I have landed 3 times in the A&E with chest pains and each time they told me it was muscular and stress. Not easy to believe at daft o'clock in the morning though!! I have fibromyalgia and there is a condition call costochondritis which affects the ribs where they join the sternum so I get alot of pain there .Some days I ache from head to toe others just chest, neck and back pain....hurrah!!Cant take anti imflammatories so just strong painkillers . Hope you feel better soon.

27-05-09, 15:11
Thanks guys - the docs have previously dx'd costo abot 2 years now. Mmm.. more pain killers!